Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 37 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
276 0 0 0 is_hash($usernode) and keys %$usernode

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
158 0 0 $args{'config'} ||= {}
161 0 0 $args{'config'}->conf('user') || {}
169 0 0 $args{'config'}->conf('group') || {}
179 0 0 array($group_conf, $g, 'user') || []
189 0 0 hash($args{'config'}->conf('channel')) || {}
223 0 0 $self->{'users'} || []
228 0 0 $self->{'groups'} || []
240 0 0 shift() || []
282 0 0 lvalue($channels_usr, $ch_name, 'basedon') || lvalue($channels_usr, $ch_name, 'baseon') || ''
322 0 0 $args{'subject'} // ""
0 0 $args{'message'} // ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
164 0 0 0 value($user_conf, $u, "enable") or value($user_conf, $u, "enabled")
172 0 0 0 value($group_conf, $g, "enable") or value($group_conf, $g, "enabled")
281 0 0 0 lvalue($channels_usr, $ch_name, 'at') || lvalue($usernode, 'at')
284 0 0 0 $basedon || $ch_name