Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 26 96.1

line true false branch
53 2 5 unless (exists $opt{'m'} and defined $opt{'m'})
69 1 3 if (_module_path_exists($dist_dir))
117 1 4 unless my(%cfg) = 'Config::General'->new(-'ConfigFile', $config_file, -'MergeDuplicateBlocks', 1, -'MergeDuplicateOptions', 1, -'AutoLaunder', 1, -'SplitPolicy', 'equalsign', -'InterPolateVars', 1, -'UTF8', 1)->getall
136 2 4 if (defined $opt) { }
143 1 5 unless (-f $config_file)
181 3 2 if (defined $opt) { }
183 1 2 unless (-d $opt)
192 1 1 unless (-d $template_dir)
205 2 5 if (defined $module_path and -d $module_path)
218 36 67 if (-d $source) { }
221 0 36 unless (opendir $dir, $source)
226 72 97 if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..'
260 1 68 unless $tt2->process($template, $tmpl_vars, $output)