Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 77 126 61.1

line true false branch
68 0 36 if ($0 =~ /zhuli/u)
70 0 0 if ($argv[0] =~ /^do the thing/iu)
72 0 0 unless $is_restarted_process
76 0 0 if ($argv[0] =~ /^do$/iu and $argv[1] =~ /^the$/iu and $argv[2] =~ /^thing$/iu)
80 0 0 unless $is_restarted_process
97 0 36 unless $getopt_ret
103 5 66 if (ref $arg eq 'HASH')
114 3 33 if (exists $options->{'directory'})
116 1 2 unless (-d $options->{'directory'})
132 0 35 unless (defined $action)
138 4 31 if ($options->{'diag-run'})
147 5 26 if (defined $munge)
153 18 13 unless (-d $dest_dir)
158 31 0 unless ($options->{'no-log'})
161 18 13 unless (-d $log_dir)
170 22 0 unless $pkg->$action($options, @argv)
173 9 22 unless (defined $ret)
226 109 473 unless defined $LOGFH
230 464 9 unless ($line =~ /\n$/msux)
245 1 478 unless (defined $line)
259 1 74 unless (defined $line)
273 9 10 unless (defined $line)
298 0 0 unless (defined $key)
305 0 0 unless (defined $idx)
316 0 0 if ($VERBOSE)
332 0 0 if $idx > 1
344 0 573 unless (defined $line)
353 573 0 if $QUIET
360 0 0 if (@last_key and not $VERBOSE and $last_key[0] ne $key)
369 1 21 unless $QUIET
382 46 51 unless (defined $result)
410 0 44 unless (-e $src)
414 0 0 if $ff->scheme eq 'https'
418 0 0 unless defined $where
434 0 44 unless $ret
442 0 44 unless $error_free
454 0 308 if ($iswin32) { }
487 2 152 if (ref $cmd eq 'GLOB')
495 1 153 if ($wantoutput)
506 0 154 if $VERBOSE
509 113 41 if defined $dest_err_fh
512 0 154 $output_chld->fileno ? :
0 154 $error_chld->fileno ? :
538 306 1982 unless (defined $line)
544 0 1982 if $print_output
546 1268 714 if ($fh eq $output)
548 806 462 if defined $dest_out_fh
550 1265 3 unless $wantoutput
554 714 1268 if ($fh eq $error)
556 562 152 if defined $dest_err_fh
558 714 0 unless $wantoutput
569 1 153 if ($error eq $alrm_code)
577 7 147 if ($?)
580 1 6 $? & 127 ? :
581 0 7 $? & 128 ? :
599 146 1 unless defined wantarray
601 1 0 if (wantarray)
614 1 0 if ($^O ne 'VMS')
617 0 1 unless $this_perl =~ /$App::MechaCPAN::Config{'_exe'}$/iu
619 0 1 unless $local_perl =~ /$App::MechaCPAN::Config{'_exe'}$/iu
628 0 0 if ($loaded_at_compile and -e -x $local_perl and $this_perl ne $local_perl and -e -f -r $0 and not $^P)
655 0 0 unless exists $site_inc{$lib}
664 0 0 if ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'RUN'