Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 32 12.5

line true false branch
42 0 1 unless ($config->{'username'})
54 0 1 unless ($api)
60 0 1 unless ($config->{'test'})
65 0 0 if ($access_tokens and $$access_tokens{$config->{'username'}}) { }
75 0 0 unless ($pin)
84 0 0 unless (@access_tokens)
98 0 0 if ($@)
106 0 1 unless ($config->{'test'})
120 0 0 unless $_
0 0 if ($f and @$f)
122 0 0 unless $_
0 0 if ($f and @$f)
134 0 0 unless ($config->{'test'})
144 0 0 unless ($pin)
153 0 0 unless (@access_tokens)
167 0 0 if ($@)