Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 8 66 12.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
243 0 0 0 $service and $service->can('users')
402 2 0 0 @_ && $_[0] =~ /^from|to$/
417 0 2 0 $@ || !$ret and $self->error =~ /This application is not allowed to access or delete your direct messages/
428 0 0 0 $max_id and $max_id == $$ret[-1]{'id'}
473 0 0 0 defined $mess and $mess =~ /\S/
706 0 0 0 $handler and $$handler =~ /^(comp|help|smry)_/
707 0 0 0 $cmd and $$cmd =~ /^(q|quit)$/
716 0 0 0 $file and -f $file
783 0 0 0 $max_id and $max_id == $$ret[-1]{'id'}
814 0 0 0 $max_id and $max_id == $$ret[-1]{'id'}
847 0 0 0 $max_id and $max_id == $$ret[-1]{'id'}
866 10 0 0 defined $services and @$services
894 0 0 0 defined $services and @$services
925 0 0 0 $limit and $limit < scalar @recs

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
242 0 0 $$services[0] || (return)
406 0 2 $pages ||= 1
534 0 0 $self->tag_str || ''
835 0 6 $pages ||= 1
960 0 0 $text ||= ''
1002 2 0 $plugins{$class} || undef

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
417 0 2 0 $@ || !$ret
958 0 0 0 $$mess{'screen_name'} || $$mess{'from_user'}
959 0 0 0 $$mess{'status'}{'text'} || $$mess{'text'}
976 0 0 10 $limit ||= $default