Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 85 94 90.4

line true false branch
62 0 52 if ($opt =~ /--rc=([^\s]+)/)
65 1 51 if $rc == 1
66 1 50 if $opt eq '--rc'
77 26 78 unless $dir
79 77 1 unless -e $file
92 0 2 if /\A\s*\Z/ms
93 2 0 if (/\A(\w+):\s*(.+)\Z/ms)
95 1 1 if ($key eq 'file') { }
132 2 24 unless GetOptionsFromArray $argv, 'file=s@', \$$config{'file'}, 'd|delimiter=s', \$$config{'delimiter'}, 'f|fields=s', \$$config{'fields'}, 't|through', \$$config{'through'}, 'di|digit=i', \$$config{'digit'}, 's|strict', \$$config{'strict'}, 'no-comma', \$$config{'no_comma'}, 'tsv', \$$config{'tsv'}, 'csv', \$$config{'csv'}, 'more', \$$config{'more'}, 'cr', \$$config{'cr'}, 'crlf', \$$config{'crlf'}, 'rc=s', \$$config{'rc'}, 'h|help', sub { $self->_show_usage(1); } , 'v|version', sub { print "stats v$VERSION\n"; exit 1; }
149 23 1 unless ($$config{'digit'} and $$config{'digit'} =~ /^\d+$/)
153 21 3 unless defined $$config{'delimiter'}
155 9 15 if ($$config{'fields'}) { }
171 0 24 if (not IO::Interactive::Tiny::is_interactive(*STDIN)) { }
22 2 elsif (scalar @{$self->config->{'file'};}) { }
181 1 21 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
201 20 137 if $self->config->{'through'}
203 3 154 unless $line
214 10 188 unless $self->config->{'field'}{$i}
215 188 0 if (not $strict and $element =~ /\d/ or $strict and $element =~ /^(\d+\.?(:?\d+)?)$/)
221 188 0 if not defined $$r{$i}{'max'} or $num > $$r{$i}{'max'}
223 29 159 if not defined $$r{$i}{'min'} or $num < $$r{$i}{'min'}
225 26 162 if $self->config->{'more'}
234 0 29 unless $$r{$i}{'count'}
238 4 25 if ($self->config->{'more'})
252 0 14 unless ref $list eq 'ARRAY'
253 2 12 unless @{$list;} > 1
256 6 6 if $element_count & 1
266 0 12 unless ref $list eq 'ARRAY'
267 2 10 unless @{$list;} > 1
272 4 37 unless $hash{$key} == $max_val
282 2 16 unless @{$list;} > 1
290 2 10 unless @{$$r{$i}{'list'};} > 1
291 4 6 defined $$r{$i}{'variance'} ? :
318 2 21 unless $self->result->{'show_result'}
321 2 19 if ($self->config->{'tsv'}) { }
2 17 elsif ($self->config->{'csv'}) { }
331 1 19 $self->config->{'crlf'} ? :
1 20 $self->config->{'cr'} ? :
346 16 32 if not $self->config->{'more'} and $MORE_RESULT{$col}
347 8 24 if $col eq '_line_'
366 56 148 if not $self->config->{'more'} and $MORE_RESULT{$col}
367 34 114 if ($col eq '_line_')
383 33 33 unless $self->config->{'csv'}
391 12 190 unless defined $value
393 25 165 if ($value =~ /\./)
397 158 32 unless ($self->config->{'no_comma'})
400 20 138 $d ? :