Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 38 68.4

line true false branch
54 124 76 if ($previous)
60 0 0 if ($o->same_tags($e))
70 0 0 if ($s->same_tags($e))
89 124 76 if ($do_merge) { }
107 0 217 unless $e->all_tags(@{$event->tags;}) and $event->all_tags(@{$e->tags;})
125 31 93 unless $event->can('end')
140 76 0 unless (exists $self->{'description'})
144 200 0 unless ($seen{$d})
153 124 0 $s =~ /\w$/u ? :
178 76 11 unless exists $self->{'tag_string'}
192 0 76 unless $event and $event->isa('App::JobLog::Log::Note')
226 0 88 unless $events[0]->can('end')
227 88 0 if ($self->single_interval) { }
244 2 150 if (@events == 1 and not $se->can('end'))
247 88 62 $ee->can('end') ? :
250 138 12 if ($end) { }
251 0 138 if ref $se eq 'App::JobLog::Vacation::Period' and not $se->fixed
255 62 76 if ($same_period and $start->hour == $end->hour and $start->minute == $end->minute) { }
262 10 66 $same_period ? :