Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 144 16.6

line true false branch
39 1 0 if (eval "require $_")
44 0 1 unless $sockclass
52 2 0 if @args and ref $args[0]
53 0 2 if @args
59 2 0 unless ref $self
62 0 2 if ($pcapdir)
63 0 0 unless -d $pcapdir and -w _
64 0 0 unless eval { do { require Net::PcapWriter } }
69 0 2 if (my $f = $self->{'mitm_ca'})
73 0 0 if (-d $cachedir or mkdir $cachedir, 448)
75 0 0 unless -f $f and -r _ and -s _
77 0 0 unless my $key = PEM_file2key($f)
78 0 0 unless my $cert = PEM_file2cert($f)
80 0 0 if $sn >= $serial
94 0 0 if (not @_) { }
95 0 0 unless $e = $cache_hash->{$id}
104 0 0 if (@_ || !(-f $f) and open my $fh, '>', $f) { }
126 2 0 if ($filter and @$filter)
131 0 2 if (ref $f)
143 2 2 if (eval "require $mod")
148 0 2 unless $found
149 1 1 $args ? :
151 0 2 if @err
169 0 2 if ($self->{'childs'})
174 2 0 if (not $mitm) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'no_check_certificate'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($capath = $self->{'capath'}) { }
182 0 0 if (eval { do { require Mozilla::CA } }) { }
0 0 elsif (glob '/etc/ssl/certs/*.pem') { }
0 0 elsif (-f '/etc/ssl/certs.pem' and -r _ and -s _) { }
206 2 0 if $self->{'addr'} and ref $self->{'addr'} ne 'ARRAY'
208 0 2 ref $spec ? :
0 2 ref $spec eq 'ARRAY' ? :
213 0 2 if (ref $addr) { }
218 0 0 $addr =~ /:/ ? :
220 0 2 unless $srv = $sockclass->new('LocalAddr', $addr, 'Listen', 10, 'ReuseAddr', 1)
231 0 0 unless my $cl = $srv->accept
233 0 0 if ($self->{'max_connect_per_child'} > 0 and 0 == --$self->{'max_connect_per_child'})
238 0 0 unless defined(my $pid = fork)
239 0 0 if ($pid) { }
240 0 0 if $App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::DEBUG
246 0 0 if $App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::DEBUG
256 2 0 unless $self->{'childs'}
258 2 0 if defined wantarray
264 0 0 unless ref(my $ch = delete $self->{'childs'})
274 0 0 if $loop
278 0 0 if $self->{'childs'}
283 0 0 $was_debug ? :
292 0 0 if (not @relays) { }
314 0 0 if $App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::DEBUG
317 0 0 unless my(@pid) = grep({$_;} @{$$self{'childs'};})
323 0 0 unless my(@pid) = grep({$_;} @{$$self{'childs'};})
334 0 0 if $_
336 0 0 unless (defined(my $pid = fork))
341 0 0 if ($pid == 0)
348 0 0 if $App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::DEBUG
351 0 0 unless my $pid = waitpid(-1, 0)
352 0 0 if $App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::DEBUG
353 0 0 unless my $ch = $self->{'childs'}
355 0 0 if $_ == $pid
373 0 0 if ($_[1] eq '-') { }
381 0 0 if ($_[1] eq '-') { }
390 0 0 $_[1] ? :
395 0 0 if ($_[1])
397 0 0 unless $rx
408 0 0 unless $self->{'addr'} or @addr
417 0 0 if $msg
486 0 0 unless defined(my $fn = fileno $fh)
487 0 0 if ($cb) { }
503 0 0 unless defined(my $fn = fileno $fh)
504 0 0 if ($cb) { }
519 0 0 $interval ? :