Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 94 0.0

line true false branch
15 0 0 if ($exit)
16 0 0 if ($ALLOW_FAIL) { }
33 0 0 unless $ENV{'GHA_TESTING_COVER'} =~ /^(true|1)$/i
42 0 0 if (/--allow-fail/) { }
0 0 elsif (/--dry-run/) { }
0 0 elsif (/--configure/) { }
0 0 elsif (/--auto/) { }
59 0 0 if (@modules)
68 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
76 0 0 unless -f $file
80 0 0 if (eval { do { require JSON::MaybeXS; 1 } }) { }
0 0 elsif (eval { do { require JSON::PP; 1 } }) { }
94 0 0 unless ref $hash eq 'HASH'
102 0 0 unless -f $file
106 0 0 if (eval { do { require JSON::XS; 1 } }) { }
115 0 0 unless ref $hash eq 'HASH'
122 0 0 unless my $meta = read_json('META.json') || read_yaml('META.yml')
128 0 0 if ($meta->{'metatype'} eq 'JSON') { }
130 0 0 unless $meta->{'prereqs'}{$phase}{'requires'}
131 0 0 unless $meta->{'prereqs'}{$phase}{'recommends'}
132 0 0 unless $meta->{'prereqs'}{$phase}{'suggests'}
136 0 0 unless $meta->{'configure_requires'}
137 0 0 unless $meta->{'build_requires'}
140 0 0 if (@need)
144 0 0 if (@want and &SHOULD_INSTALL_OPTIONAL_DEPS())
153 0 0 unless my $meta = read_json('MYMETA.json') || read_yaml('MYMETA.yml') || read_json('META.json') || read_yaml('META.yml')
159 0 0 if ($meta->{'metatype'} eq 'JSON') { }
161 0 0 unless $meta->{'prereqs'}{$phase}{'requires'}
162 0 0 unless $meta->{'prereqs'}{$phase}{'recommends'}
163 0 0 unless $meta->{'prereqs'}{$phase}{'suggests'}
167 0 0 unless $meta->{'configure_requires'}
168 0 0 unless $meta->{'build_requires'}
169 0 0 unless $meta->{'requires'}
170 0 0 unless $meta->{'test_requires'}
171 0 0 unless $meta->{'recommends'}
176 0 0 if (@need)
180 0 0 if (@want and &SHOULD_INSTALL_OPTIONAL_DEPS())
190 0 0 if defined $installer
192 0 0 if ($output =~ /cpanminus/) { }
197 0 0 if ($output =~ /install/) { }
211 0 0 if ($DRY_RUN)
216 0 0 if (&INSTALLER() eq 'cpanm')
220 0 0 if (&INSTALLER() eq 'cpm')
230 0 0 if ($DRY_RUN)
235 0 0 if (&INSTALLER() eq 'cpanm')
239 0 0 if (&INSTALLER() eq 'cpm')
247 0 0 if -f &CPAN_CONFIG_FILENAME()