Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 82 80.4

line true false branch
78 0 365 unless (grep {$_ eq $$self{'type'};} 'flag', 'bool', 'int', 'float', 'string')
82 67 298 if ($$self{'type'} eq 'flag')
83 0 67 if ($$self{'storage'} ne 'scalar')
89 0 365 if ($$self{'type'} eq 'bool' and $$self{'storage'} ne 'scalar')
93 15 350 if ($$self{'storage'} eq 'array') { }
15 335 elsif ($$self{'storage'} eq 'hash') { }
101 0 365 if ($$self{'check'} and not $check_type eq 'CODE' || $check_type =~ /(^|::)Regexp$/ || $check_type eq 'ARRAY')
108 22 343 if exists $opts{'value'}
109 22 343 if exists $opts{'default'}
185 91 21 if (@_ == 2)
191 1 111 if (@_ == 1 and $self->requires_arg)
195 0 111 if (@_ > 1 and not $self->uses_arg)
199 14 97 if ($self->storage eq 'hash')
201 7 7 if (defined $key) { }
6 1 elsif ($value =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/) { }
211 0 97 if (defined $key)
215 9 88 if ($self->storage eq 'array')
216 1 8 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
224 0 88 if (ref $value)
228 10 78 if ($self->type eq 'flag') { }
1 77 elsif ($self->type eq 'bool' and @_ == 1) { }
2 75 elsif (@_ == 1 and exists $$self{'default'}) { }
318 0 0 ref $$self{'check'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
345 94 16 if ($type eq 'string') { }
9 7 elsif ($type eq 'int') { }
4 3 elsif ($type eq 'float') { }
3 0 elsif ($type eq 'bool') { }
346 93 1 defined $value ? :
354 1 2 if (defined $value and $value =~ /^(1|true|yes)$/i) { }
2 0 elsif (defined $value and $value =~ /^(0|false|no)$/i) { }
366 0 110 if ($@)
369 0 110 if ($type eq 'flag')
375 98 12 if (not $$self{'check'}) { }
4 8 elsif (ref $$self{'check'} eq 'CODE') { }
4 4 elsif (ref($$self{'check'}) =~ /(^|::)Regexp$/) { }
4 0 elsif (ref $$self{'check'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
382 2 2 if (do { local $_ = $value; $$self{'check'}($_) }) { }
391 2 2 if ($value =~ /$re/) { }
397 0 4 if (not defined $value and grep {not defined $_;} @{$$self{'check'};})
400 2 2 if (defined $value and grep {$_ eq $value;} @{$$self{'check'};})
403 2 0 defined $value ? :