Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 89 161 55.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
2182 75 14 0 $optional and not $arg_optional
2299 5 0 1 $open_in and $$arg_names_href{$name}{'type'} eq 'f'
2312 1 0 1 $open_in and $$arg_names_href{$name}{'type'} eq 'f'
2343 1 10 2 $$arg_names_href{$name}{'dest_type'} ne '*' and not $arg_optional
2357 8 0 28 not $arg_optional and $val
2360 5 20 3 $$arg_names_href{$name}{'type'} eq 'f' and not -f $val
2365 20 4 1 $$arg_names_href{$name}{'type'} eq 'd' and not -d $val
2378 21 7 4 $open_in and $$arg_names_href{$name}{'type'} eq 'f'
2415 11 2 4 $$arg_names_href{$name}{'direction'} eq 'o' and $$arg_names_href{$name}{'type'} eq 'f'
3680 61 8 48 $$option_entry_href{'developer'} and not $developer
4053 15 0 0 $throw and $rc
4172 11 4 0 $args and $args =~ /\>/
4540 0 130 41 $ref and exists $data_ref{"$ref"}
5129 0 0 0 $pod and $$this{'debug'}
5135 0 0 0 not $line and $$this{'debug'}
5138 0 0 0 $line =~ /^#/ and $$this{'debug'}
5221 0 0 0 $line and not $line =~ /^package/
0 0 0 $line and not $line =~ /^package/ and not $line =~ /^#/
0 0 0 $line and not $line =~ /^package/ and not $line =~ /^#/ and not $pod
0 0 0 $line and not $line =~ /^package/ and not $line =~ /^#/ and not $pod and not $use

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1297 0 0 $args || ''
1302 4 4 $args || ''
1755 1 6 $level ||= ''
2321 1 0 $$args_href{$name} ||= []
2397 0 0 $$args_href{$fh_name} ||= []
2645 308 514 $fields{$field} ||= ''
2969 89 9 $summary ||= 'Arg'
2970 0 98 $description ||= ''
2971 89 9 $arg_type ||= 's'
2972 89 9 $arg_direction ||= 'i'
2973 15 83 $dest_type ||= ''
2974 22 76 $optional ||= 0
2976 10 88 $arg_append ||= ''
2977 0 98 $arg_mode ||= ''
3020 38 0 $name ||= ''
3360 36 40 $new_default || ''
36 40 $new_default_val || ''
3373 38 20 $description ||= ''
3394 17 1 $description ||= ''
4230 4 0 $timeout ||= 60
4280 0 0 $rc ||= 1
4539 171 0 $$hash_ref{$key} || ''
4632 16 52 $escaped ||= ''
4633 52 16 $var ||= ''
4719 0 0 $errorcode || 1
4737 0 0 $errorcode || 0
4755 0 0 $errorcode || 0
4773 0 0 $errorcode || 0
5487 29 35 $$this{$fn_name} || ''
5509 3311 751 $min_debug ||= 1
5656 0 6 $exit_code || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1197 0 21 0 ref $obj || $obj
1361 2946 0 1797 not ref $$this{$field} or ref $$this{$field} eq 'SCALAR'
1574 0 0 26 $opts{'man'} or $opts{'help'}
2186 14 8 67 $optional ||= $arg_optional
2310 0 2 0 not defined $value or scalar @$value == 0
2975 89 9 0 $arg_spec ||= "$arg_type"
4152 3 3 39 $$logopts_href{'all'} or $$logopts_href{$type}
4213 0 0 11 $rc ||= $this->_check_results(\@results, $check_results)
4300 0 0 4 $rc ||= $this->_check_results(\@results, $check_results)
4332 16 0 0 $on_error ||= $ON_ERROR_DEFAULT
5228 0 0 0 $comment or $asis
5254 0 0 0 $asis or $comment
5377 210 0 0 $alias ||= $function