Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 51 64 79.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1002 6 0 4 $name and exists $$config_href{$name}
1061 2 0 12 $name and exists $$config_href{$name}
1427 15 0 28 not "$description$summary" and $$href{$var}{'type'} eq 's'
11 0 4 $description =~ /^$summary/ and $$href{$var}{'type'} eq 's'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
561 0 1 $this->filename || ''
957 8 2 $name ||= ''
1055 12 2 $name ||= ''
1104 125 21 $$href{$key}{'value'} || ''
1246 12 8 $config{$section} ||= []
1318 90 0 $var || ''
82 8 $value || ''
26 64 $summary || ''
34 56 $description || ''
17 73 $type || ''
3 87 $default || ''
90 0 $order || ''
1328 26 64 $summary ||= ''
1329 34 56 $description ||= ''
1346 81 9 $type || ''
90 0 $order || 32767
1423 15 28 $$href{$var}{'description'} || ''
1424 15 28 $$href{$var}{'summary'} || ''
1441 7 4 $$href{$var}{'type'} || ''
1442 8 3 $$href{$var}{'value'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
381 1 1 0 ref $obj || $obj
415 19 0 13 not ref $vars{$var} or ref $vars{$var} eq 'SCALAR'
649 7 0 4 $config{$field}{'value'} || $config{$field}{'default'}