Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 78 21.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
897 0 0 0 blessed $edited_fetchwarefile and $edited_fetchwarefile->isa('App::Fetchware::Fetchwarefile')
927 0 2 1 defined $extension_name and defined shift()
1177 0 0 0 exists $available_verify_methods{'gpg'} and defined $available_verify_methods{'gpg'}
0 0 0 exists $available_verify_methods{'gpg'} and defined $available_verify_methods{'gpg'} and $available_verify_methods{'gpg'} > 0
1234 0 0 0 exists $available_verify_methods{'sha1'} and defined $available_verify_methods{'sha1'}
0 0 0 exists $available_verify_methods{'sha1'} and defined $available_verify_methods{'sha1'} and $available_verify_methods{'sha1'} > 0
0 0 0 exists $available_verify_methods{'md5'} and defined $available_verify_methods{'md5'}
0 0 0 exists $available_verify_methods{'md5'} and defined $available_verify_methods{'md5'} and $available_verify_methods{'md5'} > 0
1721 0 0 0 defined config('lookup_method') and config('lookup_method') eq 'timestamp'
0 0 0 defined config('lookup_method') and config('lookup_method') eq 'versionstring'
2317 0 0 0 -e './pubring.gpg' and -e './secring.gpg'
3089 3 0 3 $$sorted_file_names[0][0] eq $download_path_basename and $$sorted_file_names[0][0] ne $upgrade_name_basename
3192 152 1 1 @A_defined > 0 and @B_defined > 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
2259 0 0 gpg_verify($download_path) or die "App-Fetchware: run-time error. You asked fetchware to only try to verify your\npackage with gpg or openpgp, but they both failed. See the warning above for\ntheir error message. See perldoc App::Fetchware.\n"
2269 0 0 sha1_verify($download_path, $package_path) or die "App-Fetchware: run-time error. You asked fetchware to only try to verify your\npackage with sha, but it failed. See the warning above for their error message.\nSee perldoc App::Fetchware.\n"
2279 0 0 md5_verify($download_path, $package_path) or die "App-Fetchware: run-time error. You asked fetchware to only try to verify your\npackage with md5, but it failed. See the warning above for their error message.\nSee perldoc App::Fetchware.\n"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
305 76 1104 0 $callers_package // caller
312 668 245 267 $one_or_many_values eq 'ONE' or $one_or_many_values eq 'ONEARRREF'
913 64 203 $one_or_many_values eq 'ONE' or $one_or_many_values eq 'ONEARRREF' or $one_or_many_values eq 'MANY'
309 203 0 $one_or_many_values eq 'ONE' or $one_or_many_values eq 'ONEARRREF' or $one_or_many_values eq 'MANY' or $one_or_many_values eq 'BOOLEAN'
1475 0 0 0 $ENV{'EDITOR'} || do { $term->get_reply('prompt', "What text editor would you like to use? \n", 'print_me', "The Environment variable EDITOR is not set. This is used by fetchware and other\nprograms to determine what program fetchware should use to edit your\nFetchwarefile. Please enter what text editor you would like to use. Examples\ninclude: vim, emacs, nano, pico, or notepad.exe (on Windows).\n") }
2198 0 0 0 not $retval or $gpg_err
2213 0 0 0 not $retval or $sha_err
2229 0 0 0 not $retval or $md5_err
2317 0 0 0 config('user_keyring') or -e './pubring.gpg' and -e './secring.gpg'
2835 0 0 0 defined config('configure_options') or defined config('prefix')
0 0 0 defined config('configure_options') or defined config('prefix') or defined config('make_options')