Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 42 21.4

line true false branch
37 4 0 if $text =~ /^(\s+)/
42 0 2 if $_[1] and $_[1] eq '-run_script'
56 0 0 $args ? :
59 0 0 if (my $meth = $self->can("script_command_$cmd")) { }
92 0 0 if $file and $to_stderr
96 0 0 if (not $to_stderr and -e $file)
97 0 0 unless unlink $file
100 0 0 if ($to_stderr) { }
0 0 elsif ($file) { }
118 0 0 unless $opts{'use'}
123 0 0 unless $opts{'args'}
125 0 0 if ($output) { }
157 0 0 unless m[[\\/]\.packlist$] and -f $_
180 0 0 if ($dir_parts[$p] eq 'auto')
189 0 0 unless $pack_base
193 0 0 unless substr($source, 0, length $pack_base) eq $pack_base
213 1 1 if (defined $file and -r $file)
245 4 6 unless -f $_
246 0 6 if not /\.pm$/ and warn "File $File::Find::name isn't a .pm file - can't pack this -- if you hoped we were going to, things may not be what you expected later\n"
254 0 1 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
258 1 0 unless (index($shebang, '#!') == 0)