Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 33 84.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
99 162 0 6 $in_fh->eof and $content eq ''
106 144 0 18 $line eq '' || $line =~ /^\s+$/ and $content ne ''
276 27 4 2 $opt->{'nocomplex'} and $site->{'indel_freq'} == -1
280 25 2 4 $opt->{'nosingle'} and $site->{'indel_freq'} <= 1
288 15 2 4 defined $opt->{'min'} and $site->{'indel_freq'} / $seq_count < $opt->{'min'}
291 15 2 0 defined $opt->{'max'} and $site->{'indel_freq'} / $seq_count > $opt->{'max'}
300 368 73 7 $opt->{'nocomplex'} and $site->{'snp_freq'} == -1
304 361 17 63 $opt->{'nosingle'} and $site->{'snp_freq'} <= 1
308 298 17 63 defined $opt->{'min'} and $site->{'snp_freq'} / $seq_count < $opt->{'min'}
311 298 17 0 defined $opt->{'max'} and $site->{'snp_freq'} / $seq_count > $opt->{'max'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
106 0 18 144 $line eq '' || $line =~ /^\s+$/