Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 70 85.7

line true false branch
51 1 6 if (@{$args;} != 1)
58 0 6 if lc $_ eq 'stdin'
59 1 5 unless (Path::Tiny::path($_)->is_file)
64 0 5 unless (exists $opt->{'outfile'})
68 5 0 if ($opt->{'colors'})
78 0 5 if (lc $args->[0] eq 'stdin') { }
97 5 135 if $in_fh->eof and $content eq ''
99 135 0 unless ($in_fh->eof)
102 0 135 if substr($line, 0, 1) eq '#'
104 15 120 if ($line eq '' || $line =~ /^\s+$/ and $content ne '') { }
116 15 0 if ($opt->{'length'})
117 1 14 if length $$info_of{$full_names[0]}{'seq'} < $opt->{'length'}
253 2 12 if ($opt->{'outgroup'})
258 0 14 if ($seq_count < 2)
263 2 12 if ($opt->{'outgroup'})
268 2 12 if ($opt->{'outgroup'})
274 2 25 if ($opt->{'nocomplex'} and $site->{'indel_freq'} == -1)
278 4 21 if ($opt->{'nosingle'} and $site->{'indel_freq'} <= 1)
282 6 15 if ($opt->{'noindel'})
291 7 361 if ($opt->{'nocomplex'} and $site->{'snp_freq'} == -1)
295 63 298 if ($opt->{'nosingle'} and $site->{'snp_freq'} <= 1)
324 2 12 if $opt->{'outgroup'}
331 298 15 if ($var->{'var_type'} eq 'snp')
342 80 1064 $var->{'snp_occured'} eq 'unknown' ? :
344 691 453 if ($occ eq '1') { }
358 48 250 if ($opt->{'outgroup'})
373 15 298 if ($var->{'var_type'} eq 'indel')
379 0 15 if ($col_cursor + $col_taken > $opt->{'wrap'})
388 12 3 if ($var->{'indel_occured'} ne 'unknown')
394 11 46 if ($var->{'indel_occured'} eq 'unknown') { }
399 28 18 if ($occ eq '1')
404 39 18 if ($flag)
405 33 6 if ($col_taken == 1) { }
6 0 elsif ($col_taken == 2) { }
463 2 311 if ($col_cursor > $opt->{'wrap'})