Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 48 59 81.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
68 2 2 21 not exists $ENV{'APP_ENV_SITE'} and _existsModule("App::Env::Site")
75 2 1 22 defined $ENV{'APP_ENV_SITE'} && length $ENV{'APP_ENV_SITE'}
155 31 0 11 &Scalar::Util::blessed($this) and $this->isa("App::Env")
168 0 9 22 not ref $this and $this eq "App::Env"
174 6 6 2 @_ == 1 and "HASH" eq ref $_[0]
269 6 0 70 @apps == 1 && !ref($apps[0])
355 6 51 18 not $opts{'Force'} and exists $EnvCache{$cacheid}
603 59 5 0 $opt{'Exclude'} and wantarray || @_ == 1 && !ref($_[0])
612 24 6 33 @_ == 1 and not ref $_[0]
905 61 8 17 exists $App::Env::EnvCache{$self->cacheid} and not $opt{'opt'}{'Force'}
934 0 70 7 defined $self->{'opt'}{'AppOpts'} and keys %{$$self{"opt"}{"AppOpts"};}
1006 1 0 1 exists $App::Env::EnvCache{$cacheid} and $App::Env::EnvCache{$cacheid}{'pid'} eq $self->{'pid'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
535 6 82 $par{'app_opts'} ||= {}
536 6 82 $par{'loop'} ||= 1
663 4 1 $opt{'Exclude'} ||= []
898 81 0 $self->{'opt'}{'AppOpts'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
88 1 2 14 not defined $site or $site eq ""
351 0 75 0 $opts{'CacheId'} || join($;, @cacheids)
577 2 2 5 not ref $_[0] or "ARRAY" eq ref $_[0]
4 3 2 not ref $_[0] or "ARRAY" eq ref $_[0] or "Regexp" eq ref $_[0]
603 0 0 5 wantarray || @_ == 1 && !ref($_[0])