Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 162 192 84.3

line true false branch
58 35 161 unless $existsModule{$path}
68 21 4 if (not exists $ENV{'APP_ENV_SITE'} and _existsModule("App::Env::Site"))
70 0 0 ref $@ ? :
0 21 if $@
75 22 3 defined $ENV{'APP_ENV_SITE'} && length $ENV{'APP_ENV_SITE'} ? :
84 92 17 unless @_
88 3 14 if not defined $site or $site eq ""
155 11 31 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($this) and $this->isa('App::Env')) { }
157 0 11 if @_
168 22 9 if not ref $this and $this eq "App::Env"
171 17 14 unless @_
174 2 12 if (@_ == 1 and "HASH" eq ref $_[0])
191 2 2 if (defined $EnvCache{$cacheid})
212 34 44 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1] ? :
219 76 2 if @_
238 0 2 defined $nopt{'CacheID'} ? :
269 70 6 @apps == 1 && !ref($apps[0]) ? :
275 2 74 if $opts{'Temp'}
288 12 70 if (@apps > 1)
302 1 81 if ("ARRAY" eq ref $app)
304 0 1 unless "HASH" eq ref $opts
309 1 0 if (@apps > 1)
311 0 2 if (exists $app_opt{$iopt})
323 12 70 if (@apps > 1)
355 18 57 if (not $opts{'Force'} and exists $EnvCache{$cacheid}) { }
52 5 elsif (@Apps == 1) { }
358 2 16 if ($opts{'Temp'}) { }
408 5 0 if ($opts{'Cache'})
424 154 687 if @_
458 11 77 if defined $self->_var("id")
468 0 3 unless defined $cache
471 1 2 if ($cache) { }
489 1 22 if ($opt{'All'}) { }
1 21 elsif (defined $opt{'CacheID'}) { }
492 0 1 if grep {defined $_;} values %opt
500 0 1 if grep {defined $_;} values %opt
506 0 21 unless defined $opt{'App'}
513 13 8 exists $opt{'Site'} ? :
538 0 88 if $loop == 10
541 4 84 exists $par{'site'} ? :
549 87 1 if (defined $module) { }
551 0 87 unless eval "require $module"
555 6 81 if (my $alias = $module->can("alias"))
557 2 4 if $napp_opts
577 2 5 unless not ref $_[0] or "ARRAY" eq ref $_[0] or "Regexp" eq ref $_[0]
587 5 59 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1] ? :
603 0 5 if $opt{'Exclude'} and wantarray || @_ == 1 && !ref($_[0])
606 40 24 @_ ? :
612 1 63 if (wantarray) { }
33 30 elsif (@_ == 1 and not ref $_[0]) { }
613 2 1 exists $env->{$_} ? :
616 27 6 exists $$env{$vars[0]} ? :
620 591 0 exists $env->{$_} ? :
631 0 9 unless defined $var
634 8 1 if (@_) { }
647 4 1 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1] ? :
660 1 4 @_ ? :
662 5 0 unless (grep {$_ eq "TERMCAP";} @$include)
664 3 2 unless "ARRAY" eq ref $opt{'Exclude'}
701 63 75 unless "ARRAY" eq ref $match
705 59 85 unless defined $spec
707 45 40 if (not ref $spec) { }
38 2 elsif ('Regexp' eq ref $spec) { }
2 0 elsif ('CODE' eq ref $spec) { }
735 12 101 if ($str eq '') { }
753 4 3 if ($self->_opt->{'SysFatal'}) { }
772 1 7 if (wantarray) { }
779 4 4 if ($@ ne "")
780 3 1 if $self->_opt->{'SysFatal'}
784 1 3 wantarray ? :
801 3 2 $self->_opt->{'SysFatal'} ? :
814 3 2 if (wantarray) { }
822 3 2 if $@ ne ""
824 2 0 wantarray ? :
871 5 82 if (exists $self->{'env'}) { }
872 0 5 unless defined $self->{'opt'}
883 4 78 exists $self->{'opt'}{'Site'} ? :
886 0 0 ref $@ ? :
0 82 if $@
895 1 81 unless defined $self->{'module'}
905 17 69 if (exists $App::Env::EnvCache{$self->cacheid} and not $opt{'opt'}{'Force'}) { }
910 5 64 unless $self->{'NoLoad'}
922 81 2 unless defined $cacheid
926 6 77 if (defined $cacheid) { }
927 1 5 $cacheid eq 'AppID' ? :
934 7 70 if defined $self->{'opt'}{'AppOpts'} and keys %{$$self{"opt"}{"AppOpts"};}
938 7 70 if (keys %uniq)
948 7 0 if (defined $ctx)
967 5 62 if exists $self->{'ENV'}
974 0 62 unless $fenvs
979 0 0 ref $@ ? :
0 62 if $@
986 36 26 if $self->{'opt'}{'Cache'}
1006 1 1 if exists $App::Env::EnvCache{$cacheid} and $App::Env::EnvCache{$cacheid}{'pid'} eq $self->{'pid'}
1011 4 22 @_ > 1 ? :
1012 85 234 @_ > 1 ? :