Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 30 86.6

line true false branch
22 0 18 unless (-e $file)
26 6 12 if (scalar @{$$config{'file'};} > 1)
42 0 18 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
47 7 32 if @grepv and _match_grepv($line, @grepv)
48 7 25 if @grep and not _match_grep($line, @grep)
50 16 9 if ($c == 1) { }
60 6 12 if $last_line
62 1 17 if ($$config{'total'})
63 1 0 $total > 1 ? :
75 8 9 if ($line =~ /\Q$g\E/)
80 7 7 if $cond_count == $match_count
87 7 10 if ($line =~ /\Q$g\E/)
110 0 15 unless GetOptionsFromArray \@argv, 't|total-count', \$$config{'total'}, 'g|grep=s@', \$$config{'grep'}, 'gv|grepv=s@', \$$config{'grepv'}, 'f|file=s@', \$$config{'file'}, 'h|help', sub { _show_usage(1); } , 'v|version', sub { print "$0 $VERSION\n"; exit 1; }
112 10 5 unless defined $$config{'grep'}
113 10 5 unless defined $$config{'grepv'}