Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 58 117 49.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
165 0 0 0 not $_->{'transmit_exact'} and $name =~ /$namerx/u
176 131 0 146 @args && ref $args[0]
224 607 3 2 @opts && ref $opts[0]
280 0 65 83 $strict and @args
65 83 0 $strict and @args and $args[0] =~ /\A -/msux
291 0 0 293 defined $o->{'getopt'} and $o->{'getopt'} =~ /\A(\w+)/msux
293 0 0 0 defined $o->{'environment'} and $o->{'environment'} ne 1
338 80 150 40 defined $en && exists $ENV{$en}
513 0 0 0 -e $path and not -d $path
0 0 0 -e $path and not -d $path and substr($_, 0, length $bprefix) eq $bprefix
600 4 0 0 defined $fto and $fto =~ /\A(?: 0 | [1-9]\d* )\z/u
734 1 0 0 defined $desttype and $desttype eq "\@"
772 15 0 0 defined $min and $min > 1
773 15 0 0 defined $max and length $max
775 14 0 1 defined $desttype and $desttype eq "\@"
784 1 0 0 defined $desttype and $desttype eq "\@"
908 0 0 0 $name =~ /\A(?: help | commands | tree)\z/msux and $exclude_auto

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
78 5861 0 $$self{&blessed($self)} //= {}
97 134 0 $self->_rwn((caller 1)[3] =~ s/.*:://mrsux, @n) // []
125 33 1 ($s->_rw(@r) // ($s->aliases)[0]) // "**no name**"
154 90 18 $_->{'transmit'} // 0
176 37 240 $pkg_spec // {}
321 203 100 $env // ""
326 100 0 $instance->environment_prefix // ""
345 0 16 $key->[0] // "config"
376 150 0 $self->_rwn("config") // {}
378 150 0 $config->{'merged'} // {}
419 0 0 $params_validate->{'config'} // undef
423 0 0 $params_validate->{'args'} // undef
571 1 609 $class // ""
645 61 0 $command->help // "(**missing help**)"
685 24 0 $binmode // ""
850 4 29 $opt->{'help'} // ""
866 7 0 $opt->{'default'} // "*undef*"
909 0 0 $command->help // "(**missing help**)"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
20 0 0 0 ref $stuff[0] || @stuff % 2
125 11 22 1 $s->_rw(@r) // ($s->aliases)[0]
205 0 827 126 $is_overridable{$dst_key} or not exists $retval{$dst_key}
235 312 300 0 $meta->{'priority'} //= $last_priority + 10
529 82 198 122 $self->force_auto_children // @children
642 25 0 0 $target //= $self->target
676 0 24 0 $channel eq "-" or lc $channel eq "-stdout"
702 7 0 0 $target->call_name // $target->name
793 1 1 17 $type eq "bool" or $mode eq "increment"
827 18 0 0 $target //= $self->target