Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 98 9.1

line true false branch
90 0 0 if (&is_error(scalar &mirror($package_url, $mirror_to)))
225 0 1 if $self->has_http_proxy
235 0 1 defined $ENV{'APP_DUCKPAN_SERVER_HOSTNAME'} ? :
251 1 2 $self->has_config ? :
0 3 $self->has_cache ? :
293 1 0 if scalar @arr_args == 0
294 0 0 if (@arr_args)
297 0 0 if (/^www/i or /^dist/i or /^(ddg)$/i or /(opensourceduckduckgo)$/i or /^(goodie)$/i or /^(spice)$/i or /^(fathead)$/i or /^(longtail)$/i or /^ddgc?::/i or /^app/i) { }
0 0 elsif (/^duckpan|update|(upgrade|(reinstall|latest))$/i) { }
306 0 0 if ($m eq 'goodie' or $m eq 'spice' or $m eq 'fathead' or $m eq 'longtail')
311 0 0 if ($m eq 'opensourceduckduckgo' and not $ddg) { }
0 0 elsif ($m eq 'ddg' and $ddg) { }
320 0 0 unless $self->empty
322 0 0 if ($all_modules)
324 0 0 if $reinstall_latest
331 0 0 unless @left_args
348 0 0 $self->colors ? :
370 0 0 if ($exit_code == 0) { }
383 0 0 unless $self->verbose
438 0 0 if ($name =~ /^DDG::/) { }
440 0 0 if $ia
443 0 0 $name =~ /_/ ? :
454 0 0 unless ($self->check)
459 0 0 $signal_file->exists ? :
460 0 0 if (time - $last_checked_perl <= $self->cachesec) { }
466 0 0 unless $self->check_perl and $self->check_app_duckpan and $self->check_ddg and $self->check_ssh and $self->check_git
494 0 0 if (my $git = which('git')) { }
496 0 0 if ($version_string =~ /git version (\d+)\.(\d+)/) { }
497 0 0 if ($1 <= 1 and $2 < 7) { }
519 0 0 if (my $ssh = which('ssh')) { }
541 0 0 if ($installed_version->vcmp($perl_versions{'required'}) < 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($installed_version->vcmp($perl_versions{'recommended'}) < 0) { }
561 0 0 if $installed_version and $installed_version == $self->dev_version
568 0 0 if ($installed_version >= $latest_version) { }
570 0 0 if $installed_version ne $module->version
588 0 0 if $installed_version and $installed_version == $self->dev_version
596 0 0 if ($installed_version >= $latest_version) { }
0 0 elsif ($pin_version and $pin_version < $latest_version) { }
598 0 0 if $installed_version ne $latest_version
609 0 0 if ($installed_version) { }
627 0 0 unless ($repo)
655 0 0 @repos > 1 ? :
0 0 $single ? :
663 0 0 unless $repo->{'supported'}
672 0 0 if (my $repo = $self->_get_repository_config('path_basename', $check_path->basename, 1))
688 0 3 if $^O eq 'MSWin32'
690 0 3 if $self->empty
691 0 3 if ($env_config->exists)
693 0 0 if $env->{'_'}