Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 80 2.5

line true false branch
226 0 0 if (my $builtin = $builtin{$page})
227 0 0 if ref $builtin eq 'CODE'
230 0 0 if ($basedir and open my $fh, '<', "$basedir/$page")
231 0 0 $page =~ /\.(gif|png|jpeg)$/ ? :
0 0 $page =~ /\.html?$/ ? :
0 0 $page =~ /\.css$/ ? :
0 0 $page =~ /\.js$/ ? :
263 161 12 if (@$t > 1)
276 0 0 unless $spec
277 0 0 if $_->[0]
302 0 0 if ($tests[0]) { }
311 0 0 unless (&blessed($test))
316 0 0 $valid < 0 ? :
0 0 $valid > 0 ? :
317 0 0 $valid < 0 ? :
0 0 $valid > 0 ? :
339 0 0 if $NOGARBLE
340 0 0 unless my($keep, $garble) = $url =~ m[^((?:https?://[^/]+)?/)(.+)]
342 0 0 $CLIENTIP ? :
343 0 0 $CLIENTIP ? :
349 0 0 if $pad
350 0 0 $CLIENTIP ? :
355 0 0 unless my($keep, $type, $u, $rest) = $url =~ m[^(.*/)([=-])([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+={0,2})([/? ].*)?$]
362 0 0 $type eq '=' ? :
364 0 0 if $type ne '=' and @_
367 0 0 if $u =~ /[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/
374 0 0 $w eq 'zlib' ? :
0 0 $w eq 'gzip' ? :
387 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
398 0 0 if (my $n = $path2num->{$path}) { }
399 0 0 if not defined $maxold or $maxold < $n
414 0 0 unless $path2num
420 0 0 unless $num2path
441 0 0 if $ip =~ /^(?:::ffff:)?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/
448 0 0 if ($p[$i] eq '')
459 0 0 if length $ip == 4
463 0 0 if (not $part[$i]) { }
465 0 0 if ($null) { }
467 0 0 if not $maxnull or $$null > $maxnull
477 0 0 unless defined $maxnull