Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 168 0.0

line true false branch
111 0 0 if @_ and defined $_[0]
121 0 0 if $self->can("populate")
176 0 0 if (not exists $self->{'tiid'} && defined $self->{'tiid'} or $self->{'tiid'} == 0)
203 0 0 unless $ARGS{'context'}
204 0 0 unless $ARGS{'context'}{'dbix_conn'}
205 0 0 unless $ARGS{'context'}{'dbix_conn'}->isa("DBIx::Connector")
228 0 0 if (defined $ARGS{'date_list'} and defined $ARGS{'tsrange'})
232 0 0 unless (defined $ARGS{'date_list'} or defined $ARGS{'tsrange'})
272 0 0 if ($ARGS{'date_list'})
276 0 0 if $self->tsrange
278 0 0 unless defined $ARGS{'date_list'}
279 0 0 if scalar @{$ARGS{'date_list'};} == 0
285 0 0 unless (check_date($y, $m, $d))
297 0 0 if ($noof_entries > $App::Dochazka::REST::Fillup::site->DOCHAZKA_INTERVAL_FILLUP_MAX_DATELIST_ENTRIES)
305 0 0 if (scalar @sorted_date_list == 0) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @sorted_date_list == 1) { }
310 0 0 unless $status->ok
315 0 0 unless $status->ok
320 0 0 if (scalar @sorted_date_list == 0) { }
330 0 0 unless $status->ok
354 0 0 defined $ARGS{'tsrange'} ? :
356 0 0 unless $self->context->{'dbix_conn'}
360 0 0 if (my $t = $ARGS{'tsrange'})
365 0 0 unless $status->ok
376 0 0 unless $status->ok
393 0 0 if ($fillup_limit < canon_date_diff($low, $upp))
430 0 0 unless $ARGS{'emp_obj'}->eid
434 0 0 if ($self->{'emp_obj'}->priv_change_during_range($self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, $self->tsrange->{'tsrange'}))
441 0 0 if ($self->{'emp_obj'}->schedule_change_during_range($self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, $self->tsrange->{'tsrange'}))
453 0 0 unless ($probj->priv)
456 0 0 if ($probj->priv eq 'active' or $probj->priv eq 'admin') { }
467 0 0 unless ($shobj->sid)
474 0 0 unless ref $sched_obj eq "App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Schedule" and $sched_obj->schedule =~ /high_dow/u
497 0 0 if (exists $ARGS{'aid'} and defined $ARGS{'aid'}) { }
503 0 0 if ($status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND') { }
0 0 elsif ($status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND') { }
519 0 0 if ($status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND') { }
0 0 elsif ($status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND') { }
549 0 0 $self->{'vetted'}{'tsrange'} && $self->{'tsrange'} && $self->{'vetted'}{'employee'} && $self->emp_obj && ref $self->emp_obj eq 'App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee' && $self->{'vetted'}{'activity'} && $self->act_obj && ref $self->act_obj eq 'App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity' ? :
580 0 0 unless $self->vetted
598 0 0 if (_is_holiday($d, $holidays))
613 0 0 if ($days_high_dow <= $days_upper)
617 0 0 unless $to->tiid and $to->tiid == $self->tiid
627 0 0 unless $status->ok
674 0 0 if ($class eq 'App::Dochazka::REST::Fillup') { }
680 0 0 unless $self->tiid
683 0 0 if (ref $ARGS{$_} eq "JSON::PP::Boolean")
684 0 0 $ARGS{$_} ? :
686 0 0 if defined $ARGS{$_}
691 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
693 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
695 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
697 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
699 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
701 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
702 0 0 unless $self->vetted
705 0 0 unless $self->constructor_status->ok
733 0 0 $self->dry_run ? :
748 0 0 if ($self->clobber)
764 0 0 if ($count == 0)
768 0 0 if ($count < $conflicts - 1)
773 0 0 if ($count == $conflicts - 1)
780 0 0 if ($count == 0)
787 0 0 if ($self->dry_run) { }
791 0 0 if ($status->ok) { }
812 0 0 if (my $count = scalar @result_set)
813 0 0 $self->dry_run ? :
821 0 0 $self->dry_run ? :
847 0 0 unless $status->ok
852 0 0 unless $status->ok
858 0 0 unless $status->ok
871 0 0 unless $status->ok
876 0 0 unless $status->ok
882 0 0 unless $status->ok
895 0 0 unless $status->ok
900 0 0 unless $status->ok
906 0 0 unless $status->ok
923 0 0 if ($status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND') { }
0 0 elsif ($status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND') { }
948 0 0 if ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq "DESTRUCT"
957 0 0 if ($rows > 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($rows == 0) { }
969 0 0 if $status
993 0 0 if ($status)