Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 52 0.0

line true false branch
96 0 0 unless ($App::Dochazka::REST::Auth::meta->META_DOCHAZKA_UNIT_TESTING)
97 0 0 if $self->_validate_session
99 0 0 if ($auth_header)
104 0 0 if ($auth_status->ok) { }
112 0 0 unless $App::Dochazka::REST::Auth::meta->META_DOCHAZKA_UNIT_TESTING
175 0 0 unless %$session
176 0 0 unless _is_fresh($session->{'last_seen'})
177 0 0 unless $session->{'ip_addr'} eq $remote_addr
178 0 0 unless exists $session->{'eid'} and $session->{'eid'}
188 0 0 unless $emp->isa("App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee")
213 0 0 if (time - $last_seen > $App::Dochazka::REST::Auth::site->DOCHAZKA_REST_SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIME)
236 0 0 if ($nick) { }
247 0 0 if (not $App::Dochazka::REST::Auth::meta->META_DOCHAZKA_UNIT_TESTING and $App::Dochazka::REST::Auth::site->DOCHAZKA_LDAP and ldap_exists($nick)) { }
256 0 0 if (ldap_auth($nick, $password)) { }
260 0 0 unless $status->ok
267 0 0 unless ref $emp eq "App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee"
279 0 0 unless (defined $emp and $emp->isa("App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee"))
286 0 0 unless defined $password
288 0 0 unless defined $passhash
302 0 0 if (ref $ppr ne "Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest")
306 0 0 if ($ppr->match($password)) { }
343 0 0 unless (exists $self->context->{'handler'})
358 0 0 if (exists $resource_def->{'acl_profile'}) { }
366 0 0 if (not ref $acl_profile_prop) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $acl_profile_prop eq 'HASH') { }
389 0 0 if ($acl_check_passed)