Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 128 172 74.4

line true false branch
22 0 4 unless mkdir ".dest"
23 0 4 unless open my $watch, ">", ".dest/watch"
27 4 0 if (-f "")
28 0 4 unless open my $watches, "<", ""
48 0 4 @errors ? :
58 0 8 unless @_
63 1 7 unless -d $dir
66 1 6 if grep {$rel_dir eq $_;} @watches
70 0 6 unless open my $watch, ">", $self->_rel2dir(".dest/watch")
79 0 1 unless @_
87 0 1 unless grep {$dir eq $_;} @watches
92 0 1 unless open my $watch_file, ">", $self->_rel2dir(".dest/watch")
94 1 0 if (grep {$watch_dir eq $_;} @rms) { }
109 2 1 if @watches
117 0 1 unless -f $file
119 0 1 unless open my $new_watches, "<", $file
125 1 0 if grep {$_ eq $old;} @new
129 1 1 if grep {$_ eq $new;} @old
139 0 1 unless copy($self->_rel2dir(".dest/watch"), $self->_rel2dir(""))
146 0 2 unless $path
148 1 1 if defined $ext
181 2 0 @{$tree->{$path};} ? :
193 1 2 @{$action->{'prereqs'};} ? :
203 5 0 if (-f $self->_rel2dir(""))
205 0 5 if $diff
212 2 10 if ($action->{'modified'}) { }
213 3 7 $action->{'deployed'} ? :
229 1 1 unless (defined $path)
239 2 1 if $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or not -f $a or not -f $b
250 1 1 if (@_) { }
271 0 1 if (@_) { }
292 0 5 unless $action
298 8 0 if $_->{'action'} eq $action
1 4 unless @$execute_stack and scalar grep({$_->{'type'} eq "deploy" if $_->{'action'} eq $action;} @$execute_stack)
301 1 3 if ($dry_run) { }
335 0 3 unless $action
340 3 4 if $_->{'action'} eq $action
0 3 unless @$execute_stack and scalar grep({$_->{'type'} eq "revert" if $_->{'action'} eq $action;} @$execute_stack)
343 1 2 if ($dry_run) { }
364 0 2 unless ($App::Dest::b->{'modified'} || 0) <=> ($App::Dest::a->{'modified'} || 0)
370 2 12 if $_->{'modified'} or $_->{'deployed'}
376 1 2 if @incs
380 8 0 if (index($execution->{'file'}, $_) > -1)
391 1 2 if ($dry_run) { }
409 41 9 unless (ref $self)
415 4 24 if ($self->{'root_dir'}->is_rootdir)
423 5 36 if ($expect_no_root_dir) { }
424 1 4 if $self->{'root_dir'}
427 0 36 unless $self->{'root_dir'}
436 3 8 @clean != @_ ? :
460 0 110 unless open my $watch, "<", $self->_rel2dir(".dest/watch")
475 899 261 unless m[/deploy(?:\.[^\/]+)?]u
478 261 0 if not defined $filter or index($action, $filter) > -1
499 0 114 unless open my $content, "<", $file
504 0 59 unless $1
546 29 128 if $a and $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or $b and $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u
547 31 97 unless $printed_path++
549 18 110 if (not $b) { }
93 17 elsif (not $a) { }
17 0 elsif ($a and $b) { }
594 31 2 if (ref $data->{'actions'} eq "ARRAY")
609 5 20 if ($type eq "revert")
622 9 30 if $seen_action->{$action}++
623 8 22 unless $prereqs->{$action}
625 20 10 $type ne 'revert' ? :
631 30 0 unless (exists $wraps->{$action})
635 9 21 if defined $nodes[0] and $nodes[0] eq ".dest"
638 28 28 if (-f $path)
647 0 27 unless $file
649 27 0 $wraps->{$action} ? :
650 0 27 unless -x $executable
662 17 10 if ($type eq "deploy")
664 0 17 unless $verify_file
680 19 11 if ($type eq 'deploy') { }
10 1 elsif ($type eq 'revert') { }
1 0 elsif ($type eq 'verify') { }
681 17 2 unless $state->{$action}{'deployed'} and not $redeploy
684 9 1 if $state->{$action}{'deployed'} or $state->{$action}{'modified'}
696 17 0 $_->{'wrap'} ? :
715 0 27 if ($err)
718 0 0 if ($died) { }
727 12 15 if ($type eq 'verify') { }
730 0 12 if $err
732 12 0 if ($out) { }
746 15 12 unless $type eq "verify"
747 11 16 if $type eq "deploy"