Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 68 0.0

line true false branch
46 0 0 $opt->root ? :
79 0 0 unless (eval { do { find_all_perl_files('root', $git_root, 'path', $root, 'accumulator', \@all); my $unfiltered_count = scalar @all; info('Accumulated %d files, now processing', $unfiltered_count); filter_files('root', $git_root, 'files', \@all, 'filter', $file_predicate, 'num_procs', $opt->n); my $filtered_count = scalar @all; info('Filtered %d files, left with %d', $unfiltered_count - $filtered_count, $filtered_count); 1 } })
94 0 0 if ($opt->verbose and $opt->no_violation and $opt->n == 0)
114 0 0 if ($opt->dry_run) { }
129 0 0 if ($args{'num_procs'} == 0) { }
165 0 0 if (defined $data_structure_reference) { }
176 0 0 $_ == 1 ? :
194 0 0 if $pm->start
202 0 0 if (&$filter($root, $path))
228 0 0 if ($PAUSE_PROCESSING)
240 0 0 if ($continue eq 'r') { }
0 0 elsif ($continue eq 'h') { }
0 0 elsif ($continue eq 'a') { }
0 0 elsif ($continue eq 's') { }
264 0 0 if (&$filter($root, $path))
281 0 0 if ($path->is_file) { }
0 0 elsif (-l $path) { }
283 0 0 unless is_perl_file($path->stringify)
295 0 0 if (my $ignore = $App::Critique::CONFIG{'IGNORE'})
341 0 0 if $match
342 0 0 if $filter
345 0 0 if $no_violation
351 0 0 unless &$file_filter($path, $rel)
373 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] swp \z/msx
374 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] bak \z/msx
375 0 0 if $file =~ / ~ \z/msx
376 0 0 if $file =~ / \A [#] .+ [#] \z/msx
379 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] PL \z/msx
380 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] p[lm] \z/msx
381 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] t \z/msx
382 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] psgi \z/msx
383 0 0 if $file =~ / [.] cgi \z/msx
388 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
393 0 0 if defined $first and $first =~ / \A [#]!.*perl /msx