Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 63 122 51.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
90 0 0 43 defined $str and length $str
118 0 0 0 defined $field and length $field
129 0 0 0 $i == 1 and not $outputs_header
197 0 0 0 defined $args and $args->{'input_filename'}
212 0 0 0 defined $args->{'input_header'} and not $args->{'input_header'}
354 10 0 0 not $select_field_options_used and $default_select_choice
995 37 3 0 $is_slurpy and defined $slurpy_pos
1000 50 3 4 defined $slurpy_pos and $j >= $slurpy_pos
1002 541 28 17 defined $args->{$_}{'pos'} and $args->{$_}{'pos'} == $j
1442 0 0 2 $reads_csv && $writes_csv
108 2 0 $util_args{'inplace'} and not $reads_csv && $writes_csv
1472 0 3 67 $reads_csv and $writes_csv
1503 70 0 0 $r->{'output_fh'} and $r->{'output_filename'} ne "-"
1563 4 106 65 $outputs_header and not $r->{'has_printed_header'}
1622 19 109 1 $r->{'input_filenum'} == 1 and $before_open_input_files
1656 562 0 0 $r->{'stdin_input_fields'} and $r->{'input_filename'} eq "-"
433 125 4 $i == 0 and not $has_header
442 112 4 $i == 1 and not $has_header
1730 326 0 0 defined $r->{'wants_fill_rows'} and not $r->{'wants_fill_rows'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
145 195 0 $prefix //= ""
176 0 0 $args{'word'} // ""
266 0 0 $num_samples //= 5
1393 24 0 delete $gen_args{'summary'} // "(No summary)"
1394 21 3 delete $gen_args{'description'} // "(No description)"
1395 3 21 delete $gen_args{'links'} // []
1396 14 10 delete $gen_args{'examples'} // []
1401 0 24 delete $gen_args{'reads_csv'} // 1
1402 24 0 delete $gen_args{'tags'} // []
1405 8 16 delete $gen_args{'writes_csv'} // 1
1425 4 106 $util_args{'input_header'} // 1
1465 0 0 $util_args{'output_filenames'} // ["-"]
1467 0 68 $util_args{'output_filename'} // "-"
1491 0 70 $r->{'output_num_of_files'} //= scalar @output_filenames
1496 0 70 $r->{'output_filenum'} //= 0
1583 0 0 $$row0{$r->{'output_fields'}[$j]} // ""
1608 18 0 $util_args{'input_filenames'} // ["-"]
1610 92 0 $util_args{'input_filename'} // "-"
1612 0 110 $r->{'input_filenames'} //= \@input_filenames
1813 0 2 $r->{'output_filenum'} // 0
1903 0 16 $meta->{'args_rels'}{'dep_all&'} //= []
1905 0 16 $meta->{'args_rels'}{'choose_one&'} //= []
1914 0 0 $meta->{'args_rels'}{'choose_one&'} //= []
1922 16 0 $meta->{'args_rels'}{'choose_one&'} //= []
1928 0 16 $meta->{'args_rels'}{'dep_any&'} //= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
148 1 0 194 defined $$args{"${prefix}sep_char"} or defined $$args{"${prefix}quote_char"}
1 0 194 defined $$args{"${prefix}sep_char"} or defined $$args{"${prefix}quote_char"} or defined $$args{"${prefix}escape_char"}
1426 0 106 4 $util_args{'output_header'} // $has_header
1495 70 0 114 not $r->{'output_fh'} or $r->{'wants_switch_to_next_output_file'}
1698 0 0 0 $r->{'stdin_input_fields'} //= $r->{'input_row'}