Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 230 0.0

line true false branch
278 0 0 unless (defined $key and length $key)
285 0 0 if ($taken and not $$opt{'force_override'})
288 0 0 if ($$opt{'alias'})
290 0 0 if ($option_name{$a} and not $$opt{'force_override'})
291 0 0 if ($taken = $options{$option_name{$a}})
308 0 0 unless (defined $key and length $key)
316 0 0 if $commands{$key} and not $$cmd{'force_override'}
339 0 0 unless defined $name
340 0 0 if $name eq 'commands_pod'
341 0 0 unless my $spec = $commands{$name}
393 0 0 if $plugin_loaded{$key}
396 0 0 if ($@)
439 0 0 unless &Getopt::Long::GetOptions($opt, @cfg)
441 0 0 $$opt{'listener'} ? :
461 0 0 if defined $$o{'alias'}
462 0 0 if defined $$o{'arg_spec'}
472 0 0 if $message
488 0 0 unless $self->opt('debug')
496 0 0 if (my $method = $self->dispatch_option) { }
0 0 elsif (not $self->opt('command') || @args) { }
529 0 0 if $$o{'dispatch_to'} and defined $self->opt($$o{'name'})
531 0 0 unless @set
532 0 0 if (@set > 1)
561 0 0 unless -e $path
562 0 0 if -d $path
564 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $path
581 0 0 unless -d $conf_dir
600 0 0 unless my $auth_key = $self->read_file($auth_file)
614 0 0 if (my $title = $self->pod_class->extract_title($path)) { }
629 0 0 if (my $path = $plugin_loaded{"$"}) { }
652 0 0 unless ($ENV{'BCVI_CONF'})
685 0 0 unless $sock->write($request)
689 0 0 if $self->check_response =~ /^(?:200|300)$/
699 0 0 if $translate_paths
704 0 0 unless $self->sock->write('Content-Length: ' . length($body) . $LF . $LF . $body)
715 0 0 unless my $response = $self->sock->getline
718 0 0 if (my($code, $message) = $response =~ /^(\d\d\d) (.*)$/)
720 0 0 if $code eq '300'
734 0 0 if $line eq ''
736 0 0 if (my($name, $value) = $line =~ /^(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/)
748 0 0 if $bytes < 1
761 0 0 unless my $sock = 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('PeerAddr', $peer)
766 0 0 unless my $welcome = $sock->getline
769 0 0 if ($welcome =~ /^100 Ready \(([^)]+)\)/)
781 0 0 if ($ENV{'BCVI_CONF'})
802 0 0 if ($@)
813 0 0 if (my($target, @args_out) = $self->parse_ssh_args(@args_in)) { }
831 0 0 if (/^-l(.*)$/)
832 0 0 $1 ? :
834 0 0 if (/^-(.)(.*)$/) { }
836 0 0 if $need_arg{$1} and not length $2 and @args_in
844 0 0 unless @hosts == 1
846 0 0 if ($user and not $target =~ /@/)
876 0 0 unless my $port = $self->read_file($self->listener_port_filename)
887 0 0 unless @parts > 1
891 0 0 if s/^(\w+)=(.*)$/export $1="$2"\n/
899 0 0 unless @args
903 0 0 unless $self->install_to_host($host)
905 0 0 if $fail_count
912 0 0 if $self->install_bin_directory($host) and $self->install_bcvi_script($host) and $self->install_plugins($host) and $self->install_remote_aliases($host)
925 0 0 if (system("ssh $host test -d ./bin") != 0)
927 0 0 if (system("ssh $host mkdir ./bin") != 0)
941 0 0 if ($? != 0)
953 0 0 unless @installables
954 0 0 if (system("ssh $host test -d ./.config/bcvi") != 0)
956 0 0 if (system("ssh $host mkdir -p ./.config/bcvi") != 0)
963 0 0 if ($? != 0)
975 0 0 if (system("ssh $host bin/bcvi --add-aliases") != 0)
994 0 0 unless $self->update_existing_aliases($bcvi_commands)
1003 0 0 unless my($script) = $self->read_file($file)
1004 0 0 if (index($script, $bcvi_commands) > -1)
1008 0 0 if ($script =~ s/^## START-BCVI.*^## END-BCVI\r?\n/$bcvi_commands/ms)
1009 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $file
1015 0 0 if ($script =~ /^[^#]*\bbcvi\b/m)
1031 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>>', $target
1063 0 0 $script =~ m[/[.]bashrc_local\b] ? :
1104 0 0 unless my($pid) = $self->read_file($self->pid_file)
1106 0 0 if (kill 0, $pid) { }
0 0 elsif ($!{'ESRCH'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($!{'EPERM'}) { }
1107 0 0 $i > 2 ? :
1124 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $pid_file
1133 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $port_file
1146 0 0 if ($self->opt('reuse-auth'))
1157 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $auth_file
1169 0 0 unless $$self{'sock'} = 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('LocalAddr', $local_addr, 'ReuseAddr', 1, 'Proto', 'tcp', 'Listen', 5, 'Blocking', 1)
1187 0 0 if $!{'EINTR'}
1189 0 0 if (fork) { }
1207 0 0 if $self->calling_host
1208 0 0 unless $self->validate_auth_key($$req{'auth_key'})
1211 0 0 unless my $method = $self->command_handler($$req{'command'})
1222 0 0 if $key and $key eq $self->auth_key
1224 0 0 if $key
1254 0 0 if $line eq ''
1256 0 0 if (my($name, $value) = $line =~ /^(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/)
1273 0 0 if $bytes < 1
1294 0 0 unless $self->sock->write('Content-Type: text/pod' . $LF . 'Content-Length: ' . length($pod) . $LF . $LF . $pod)
1360 0 0 if ($app and $app->can('commands_pod'))
1372 0 0 if ('Pod::Text'->isa('Pod::Simple')) { }
1378 0 0 unless open my $pod_fh, '<', \$pod
1405 0 0 if $$o{'alias'}
1406 0 0 if $$o{'arg_name'}
1408 0 0 if length $short > $w
1422 0 0 if $$o{'alias'}
1423 0 0 if $$o{'arg_name'}
1452 0 0 if (my(@plugin_list) = $app->list_plugins)
1453 0 0 @plugin_list == 1 ? :
1468 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $path
1472 0 0 if (/^=head1\s+NAME$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($name_section and /\S/) { }
1488 0 0 if ('Pod::Text'->isa('Pod::Simple')) { }
1494 0 0 unless open my $pod_fh, '<', $path
1502 0 0 $ENV{'PAGER'} ? :
1506 0 0 if (-x $exe_path)
1507 0 0 unless open my $fh, '|-', $exe_path