Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 51 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
491 0 0 $$job{'needs'} and scalar @{$$job{'needs'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
570 0 0 0 $$rule{'file'} and $$rule{'file'} eq $cfile || $$rule{'file'} eq $ofile
0 0 0 $fm and $cfile =~ /$fm/ || $ofile =~ /$fm/
614 0 0 0 $$self{'meta'}{$ofile}{'exec'} and $$self{'meta'}{$ofile}{'exec'} eq $exec_str
728 0 0 0 $$rule{'file'} and $$rule{'file'} eq $out
758 0 0 0 $$self{'meta'}{$out} && $$self{'meta'}{$out}{'exec'}
849 0 0 0 $$self{'meta'}{$file} and $$self{'meta'}{$file}{'mtime'}
0 0 0 $$self{'meta'}{$file} and $$self{'meta'}{$file}{'mtime'} and $$self{'meta'}{$file}{'mtime'} == $mtime

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
225 0 0 $$opts{'rules'} || []
806 0 0 $$job{'task'} // 'undef'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
229 0 0 0 $$ab{'clean'} or not $$ab{'default'}
0 0 0 $$ab{'clean'} or not $$ab{'default'} or $$ab{'default'}{$bin}
276 0 0 0 ref $class || $class
319 0 0 0 $_ eq '-h' or $_ eq '--help'
570 0 0 0 $$rule{'file'} eq $cfile || $$rule{'file'} eq $ofile
0 0 0 $cfile =~ /$fm/ || $ofile =~ /$fm/
0 0 0 $$rule{'file'} and $$rule{'file'} eq $cfile || $$rule{'file'} eq $ofile or $fm and $cfile =~ /$fm/ || $ofile =~ /$fm/
758 0 0 0 not $$self{'meta'}{$out} && $$self{'meta'}{$out}{'exec'} or $$self{'meta'}{$out}{'exec'} ne $exec_str