Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 84 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
112 0 0 0 @_ >= 2 and $_[0] =~ /^\s*[\w:\.-]+\s*$/
228 0 0 0 defined $$h{$key} and length $$h{$key}
482 0 0 0 $pm eq '1' and $h < 12
0 0 0 $pm eq '0' and $h == 12
563 0 0 0 $m == 2 and $d == 29
564 0 0 0 $y % 4 == 0 and $y % 100 != 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
118 0 0 shift() || '/index'
123 0 0 shift() || '/index'
144 0 0 shift() || 'Access Denied'
145 0 0 shift() || '/access_denied'
202 0 0 shift() || {}
287 0 0 shift() || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
346 0 0 0 $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') || $self->db_error
372 0 0 0 $$params{$column . '_month'} < 1 or $$params{$column . '_month'} > 12
381 0 0 0 $$params{$column . '_year'} < 1000 or $$params{$column . '_year'} > 9999
412 0 0 0 $time || time
422 0 0 0 not defined $date or $date eq 'NULL'
0 0 0 not defined $date or $date eq 'NULL' or $date =~ /^\s*$/
437 0 0 0 not defined $time or $time eq 'NULL'
0 0 0 not defined $time or $time eq 'NULL' or $time =~ /^\s*$/
477 0 0 0 $m < 0 or $m > 60
479 0 0 0 $h < 0 or $h > 23
558 0 0 0 not $m =~ /^\d+$/ or $m < 1
0 0 0 not $m =~ /^\d+$/ or $m < 1 or $m > 12
564 0 0 0 $y % 4 == 0 and $y % 100 != 0 or $y % 400 == 0
570 0 0 0 not $d =~ /^\d+$/ or $d < 1
0 0 0 not $d =~ /^\d+$/ or $d < 1 or $d > $md{$m}
575 0 0 0 not $y =~ /^\d+$/ or $y < 1000
0 0 0 not $y =~ /^\d+$/ or $y < 1000 or $y > 9999
609 0 0 0 $time || time