Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 44 0.0

line true false branch
87 0 0 unless defined(my $pid = fork)
88 0 0 if ($pid)
93 0 0 unless chdir '/'
94 0 0 unless setsid() != -1
95 0 0 unless open STDERR, '>&STDOUT'
96 0 0 unless open STDIN, '< /dev/null'
97 0 0 unless open STDOUT, '> /dev/null'
104 0 0 if ($^O =~ /mswin/i) { }
114 0 0 if (not $self->pid)
117 0 0 unless my $pid = $self->spawn_child($self->cmdline)
149 0 0 if ($promise->is_unfulfilled) { }
171 0 0 if (not $options{'content'} and $options{'filename'})
174 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $options{'filename'}
181 0 0 if ('test' eq $options{'type'}) { }
194 0 0 if ('all' eq $options{'type'} or 'text' eq $options{'type'} or 'meta' eq $options{'type'}) { }
197 0 0 unless ($code =~ /^2..$/)
205 0 0 if ($c =~ m[(.*)]s or $c =~ m[]) { }
208 0 0 if ($item->{'Content-Type'} and $item->{'Content-Type'} =~ m[^text/plain\b])
221 0 0 unless (defined $info->{'meta'}{'meta:language'})
229 0 0 unless ($code =~ /^2..$/)
232 0 0 if (ref $res) { }
248 0 0 if $_[0] and $_[0]->pid