Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
28 0 0 unless (open $fh, ">$storefile\000")
40 0 0 if (open $fh, ">$storefile\000") { }
53 0 0 unless my $sessionID = $session->{'data'}{'_session_id'}
57 0 0 if ($host and $session->{'args'}{'HostID'} and $session->{'args'}{'HostID'} ne $host)
65 0 0 if (exists $session->{'args'}{'HostURL'}) { }
71 0 0 if ($surl) { }
78 0 0 if ($result->is_success) { }
92 0 0 if (open $fh, "<$storefile\000") { }
95 0 0 unless close $fh
96 0 0 if ($content and $content ne $session->{'serialized'})
121 0 0 unless unlink $storefile
138 0 0 unless $n % 256
139 0 0 unless $n
150 0 0 unless -d $subdir or mkdir $subdir, 493
152 0 0 if $levels
160 0 0 unless defined $session->{'args'}{'Directory'}
164 0 0 unless my $sessionID = $session->{'data'}{'_session_id'}
166 0 0 if length $file < 8
211 0 0 if (defined $session_id)
214 0 0 if (exists $self->{'data'} and exists $self->{'data'}{'_session_id'} and defined $self->{'data'}{'_session_id'} and $session_id eq $self->{'data'}{'_session_id'}) { }
222 0 0 if $self->{'args'}{'AlwaysSave'}
232 0 0 if $self->{'args'}{'CounterFile'}
242 0 0 unless my $cf = $self->{'args'}{'CounterFile'}
245 0 0 if ($@)
247 0 0 if (-e $cf) { }
261 0 0 unless mkdir $dirname, 493
274 0 0 if (exists $self->{'args'}{'HostID'}) { }