Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 58 46.5

line true false branch
18 4 2 if ($class->_fieldIsIndexed($args, $selectField)) { }
34 1 1 if ($class->_fieldIsIndexed($args, $selectField)) { }
50 0 5 ref $args->{'Index'} ? :
59 1 4 if ($indexed) { }
79 2 5 if (@fields) { }
86 0 7 if ($@)
101 0 0 ref $args->{'Index'} ? :
102 0 0 if ($rule->{'or'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($rule->{'and'}) { }
116 0 0 if ($rule->{'not'})
122 0 0 unless $query and $class->_tabInTab([keys %fields], $index)
128 0 0 unless defined $rows
130 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
131 0 0 if $rows == -1
155 2 4 if ($data and ref $data ne "CODE")
156 0 2 unless ref $data
160 0 2 ref $args->{'Index'} ? :
166 1 1 if ($indexed)
190 0 5 $args->{'DataSource'} =~ /^mysql/i ? :
0 5 $args->{'DataSource'} =~ /^sybase/i ? :
197 84 56 if (ref $data eq 'CODE') { }
28 28 elsif ($data) { }
199 0 84 if defined $tmp
202 0 28 unless ref $data
209 0 140 if ($@)
221 0 11 unless my $datasource = $args->{'DataSource'}
228 11 0 if ($datasource =~ /^dbi:sqlite/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($datasource =~ /^dbi:mysql/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($datasource =~ /^dbi:pg/i) { }