Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 26 80.7

line true false branch
78 1 1 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($r, 'Apache'))
118 1 0 if (not defined $value and $^W)
165 1 1 if (not defined $_[2] and $^W)
187 2 0 if (exists $$self{$key}) { }
210 0 3 ref $val ? :
211 1 2 unless &$code($k, $v)
235 1 0 if (not defined $value and $^W)
246 4 1 if (exists $$self{$ckey}) { }
265 2 24 unless my $val = $$self{$key}
268 14 10 $curr_keys{$self} && $curr_keys{$self}[0] eq $key ? :
277 0 7 unless exists $$self{$ckey}
280 1 6 wantarray ? :
316 4 4 if $curr_keys{$self}[0] eq $ckey and ++$curr_keys{$self}[1] <= $#{$$self{$ckey}[1];}