Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 62 54.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
316 0 0 2 defined $options and UNIVERSAL::isa($options, 'HASH')
326 0 0 1 @$opt_value and UNIVERSAL::isa($$opt_value[0], 'CODE')
399 0 0 2 defined $separator and length $separator
528 0 0 6 $self->parse_file("$file_or_dir_name/$entry") && $ok
684 4 0 1041 defined $value and length $value
696 780 0 261 defined $value_path_index and $value_path_index =~ /^-?\d+$/
712 0 0 0 defined $new_path and length $new_path
725 0 29 229 defined $server_root and length $server_root
29 30 199 defined $server_root and length $server_root and $new_node->value_is_rel_path
736 0 0 48 defined $new_path and length $new_path
754 1036 0 5 $directive eq 'serverroot' and not $$self{'current_node'}->mother
845 0 8 0 @_ and $_[0]
0 8 0 @_ and $_[0] and ref $_[0]
897 0 16 0 @_ and $_[0]
0 9 7 @_ and $_[0] and ref $_[0]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1009 18093 8 $seen_ref ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
295 0 9 0 ref $class || $class
369 4 0 13 $path =~ /[?*]/ || $path =~ /\[.*\]/
471 2 5 0 -d _ or -f _
761 3 7 1026 $directive eq 'accessconfig' or $directive eq 'include'
10 3 1023 $directive eq 'accessconfig' or $directive eq 'include' or $directive eq 'resourceconfig'