Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 62 12.9

line true false branch
82 0 2 unless $args and ref $args eq 'HASH' and defined $$args{'mod_perl'} || defined $$args{'mod_perl2'}
88 1 1 if (defined $$args{'mod_perl'})
95 1 0 if ($@) { }
0 0 elsif ($mod_perl::VERSION < $$args{'mod_perl'} or $mod_perl::VERSION >= '1.99022') { }
115 1 1 if (defined $$args{'mod_perl2'})
120 1 0 if ($@) { }
0 0 elsif ($mod_perl2::VERSION < $$args{'mod_perl2'}) { }
139 2 0 unless defined $self{'mod_perl'} or defined $self{'mod_perl2'}
173 0 0 unless eval { do { require Apache::Test; if ($Apache::Test::VERSION < ($at_min_ver || 0)) { warn 'Apache::Test version is ' . $Apache::Test::VERSION . ", minimum version required is $at_min_ver" . ", tests will be skipped\n"; die; } ; require Apache::TestMM; require Apache::TestRunPerl; 1 } }
175 0 0 if ($Apache::Test::VERSION < ($at_min_ver || 0))
195 0 0 unless 'Apache::TestConfig'->can('custom_config_path') and -f 'Apache::TestConfig'->custom_config_path or $args{'apxs'} or $args{'httpd'} or $ENV{'APACHE_TEST_HTTPD'} or $ENV{'APACHE_TEST_APXS'}
236 0 0 unless ($wanted == 1 or $wanted == 2)
243 0 0 if ($wanted == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($wanted == 2) { }
246 0 0 if ($@)
256 0 0 if ($@)
267 0 0 if ($@)
271 0 0 if ($@)
277 0 0 $mod_perl::VERSION >= '1.99022' ? :
281 0 0 $selected == 2 ? :
284 0 0 if $@
331 0 0 if ($key =~ /^MOD_PERL=([12])$/)
337 0 0 exists $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} ? :
340 0 0 if ($env and $flag and $flag != $env)
351 0 0 if $env == 2 or $flag == 2
352 0 0 if $env == 1 or $flag == 1
354 0 0 unless ($wanted)
358 0 0 if ($@) { }
361 0 0 if $@
362 0 0 unless ($@)
383 0 0 (shift())->{'mp_gen'} == 1 ? :