Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 36 27.7

line true false branch
56 2 0 if ref $_[0] or $_[0] eq 'Apache::ASP'
60 0 2 unless (-e $file)
67 0 2 if (-d $file and not -l $file)
69 0 0 unless opendir DIR, $file
72 0 0 unless (@files)
78 0 0 unless (defined $Apache::ASP::Load::LOADED)
81 0 0 unless defined $Apache::ASP::Load::LOADED
82 0 0 unless defined $Apache::ASP::Load::COUNT
86 0 0 if /^\.\.?$/
89 0 0 if ($top)
96 0 2 unless ($file =~ /$match/)
97 0 0 if ($args{'Debug'} and $args{'Debug'} < 0)
104 0 2 unless ($file =~ /$match/)
105 0 0 if ($args{'Debug'} < 0)
123 0 2 if (defined $args{'RegisterIncludes'})
132 0 1 if ($Apache::ASP::Load::COUNT == 1 and $asp->config('StatINC') || $asp->config('StatINCMatch'))
139 1 0 if ($args{'Execute'})
147 1 1 if $@