Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 52 46.1

line true false branch
20 0 0 if ($@ and $@ =~ /^Call me later/)
30 170 6 if $fname ne 'Net/Whois/'
32 6 42 if (-e (my $tname = $INC[$i] . '/Net/Whois/'))
33 0 6 unless open my $fh, $tname
41 0 2820 if $_ eq ''
60 1 5 if (exists $known_params{$$args[$i - 1]}) { }
91 4 6 if (not $@) { }
1 5 elsif (not $@ =~ /^Call me later/) { }
116 0 0 if (not $@) { }
0 0 elsif (not $@ =~ /^Call me later/) { }
126 5 5 if ($call <= $#{$$stash{'results'}{'whois_query'};})
145 0 5 unless ($fh)
161 1 0 if ($handle and not $handle->destroyed)
170 1 4 exists $stash_ref->{'params'}{'timeout'} ? :
175 0 4 if (@lines and substr($lines[-1], -1) ne "\n")
214 0 5 if (exists $AnyEvent::Whois::Raw::stash->{'params'}{'on_prepare'})
220 0 5 if (not $rotate_reference and @Net::Whois::Raw::SRC_IPS and $sockname eq getsockname $fh)
225 0 5 if ($rotate_reference)
233 1 4 exists $AnyEvent::Whois::Raw::stash->{'params'}{'timeout'} ? :
238 0 0 if ($call <= $#{$$stash{'results'}{'www_whois_query'};})
260 0 0 unless ($qurl)
267 0 0 if $qurl->{'form'} and defined $qurl->{'form'}{'referer'}
268 0 0 $qurl->{'form'} && scalar keys %{$$qurl{'form'};} ? :
275 0 0 if (not $resp or $headers->{'Status'} > 299) { }
295 0 0 if (exists $AnyEvent::Whois::Raw::stash->{'params'}{'timeout'})
299 0 0 if ($method eq 'POST') { }