Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 38 68.4

line true false branch
24 0 27 unless 'CODE' eq ref $cb
28 27 0 unless defined wantarray
29 0 0 unless keys %{$$self{'cache'};}
31 0 0 if $self and $self->_delete_client($name)
39 116 1 if @_ == 1
73 0 27 unless exists $$self{'cache'}{$name}
76 9 18 if ($idx == $#{$$self{$queue};})
84 0 154 unless $$_[1] > $idx
85 0 154 unless $$_[0] eq $queue
94 0 72 if $self->is_wlocked
98 64 8 if ($self->is_rlocked)
99 3 61 if @{$$self{'wlock'};}
100 4 57 unless @{$$self{'rlock'};}
104 1 7 if (@{$$self{'wlock'};})
109 1 0 if ($self)
118 4 3 if @{$$self{'rlock'};}
121 35 26 if $self->rlock_limit and $$self{'rprocess'} >= $self->rlock_limit
129 26 0 if ($self)
135 18 8 if @{$$self{'rlock'};}