Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 88 0.0

line true false branch
33 0 0 unless $$self{'cmd_cb'}
47 0 0 if @_
48 0 0 unless ($$self{'all_cv'})
65 0 0 if (@_)
70 0 0 if $$self{'sock'}
74 0 0 unless (my $fh = shift())
82 0 0 if ($_[1])
96 0 0 if (@_)
97 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'AnyEvent::CondVar')
98 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
113 0 0 if ($$self{'sub'} and %{$$self{'sub'};}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $command =~ /^p?subscribe$/i) { }
115 0 0 unless $command =~ /^p?(?:un)?subscribe$/i
131 0 0 if $cb
136 0 0 if ($command eq 'info') { }
0 0 elsif ($command eq 'keys' and not ref $res) { }
144 0 0 $err ? :
148 0 0 unless $cb
158 0 0 if (ref $res)
162 0 0 if ($action eq 'message') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'pmessage') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'subscribe' or $action eq 'psubscribe') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'unsubscribe' or $action eq 'punsubscribe') { }
182 0 0 if ($$self{'sub_count'} or %{$$self{'sub'};})
195 0 0 unless $$self{'connect_queue'}
211 0 0 unless defined $$hd{'rbuf'}
213 0 0 if ($$hd{'rbuf'} =~ /^[-+:]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$hd{'rbuf'} =~ /^\$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$hd{'rbuf'} =~ /^\*/) { }
0 0 elsif (length $$hd{'rbuf'}) { }
214 0 0 unless $$hd{'rbuf'} =~ s/^([-+:])([^\015\012]*)\015?\012//
221 0 0 unless $$hd{'rbuf'} =~ s/^\$([-0-9]+)\015?\012//
224 0 0 if ($len < 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($len + 2 <= length $$hd{'rbuf'}) { }
240 0 0 unless $$hd{'rbuf'} =~ s/^\*([-0-9]+)\015?\012//
248 0 0 if ($$hd{'rbuf'} =~ /^([\$\-+:])([^\012\015]+)\015?\012/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$hd{'rbuf'} =~ /^\*/) { }
252 0 0 if ($type =~ /[-+:]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($line < 0) { }
0 0 elsif (2 + $line <= length $$hd{'rbuf'}) { }
274 0 0 if (@lines == $size) { }
287 0 0 if ($size < 0 or @lines == $size)
288 0 0 $size < 0 ? :
301 0 0 if (length $$hd{'rbuf'})