Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 50 0.0

line true false branch
140 0 0 if $wself
141 0 0 if $wself
142 0 0 if $wself
165 0 0 unless (@args % 2)
183 0 0 if @_
185 0 0 @args ? :
229 0 0 if ($_loaded_spec and $_loaded_spec ne $spec) { }
0 0 elsif (not $_loaded_spec) { }
333 0 0 if ($to)
357 0 0 if (my $handler = $event_handlers{$type}) { }
371 0 0 if $self->verbose
373 0 0 if (my $cb = $self->cb_registry->{$id}) { }
374 0 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'REF' and ref ${$_[0];} eq 'ARRAY')
377 0 0 if ($class eq 'AnyEvent::RabbitMQ') { }
0 0 elsif ($class eq 'AnyEvent::RabbitMQ::Channel') { }
403 0 0 if $info->{'connection'}
414 0 0 if $self->verbose
416 0 0 if (my $ch = $self->channels->{$ch_id}) { }
428 0 0 if $self->verbose
439 0 0 if $self->verbose
449 0 0 if $self->verbose
459 0 0 if $self->_has_drain_cv
473 0 0 if $self->verbose
481 0 0 if $in_gd
482 0 0 unless $self->has_rpc