Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
56 0 0 unless (@args % 2)
69 0 0 if (defined $ch_id and my $ch = $self->channels->{$ch_id}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $ch_id and $ch_id == 0) { }
70 0 0 @args ? :
72 0 0 if ($method eq 'DEMOLISH') { }
75 0 0 @args ? :
103 0 0 $obj->isa('AnyEvent::RabbitMQ') ? :
138 0 0 if $should_clear_connection
141 0 0 if ($blessed->isa('AnyEvent::RabbitMQ') or $blessed->isa('AnyEvent::RabbitMQ::Channel'))
145 0 0 $obj->isa('AnyEvent::RabbitMQ::Channel') ? :
147 0 0 if ($open_channel_success)
158 0 0 if ($obj->isa('AnyEvent::RabbitMQ'))
165 0 0 if $method eq 'connect' and $event eq 'on_failure' and $blessed->isa('AnyEvent::Handle')