Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 13 50 26.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
380 0 43 15 exists $$self{'listeners'}{$name} and defined $$self{'listeners'}{$name}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
62 1 0 $$var || ''
163 21 48 $options{'args'} ||= []
408 0 0 pop() || 'TERM'
518 44 6 pop() || 'out'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
120 0 0 0 defined($fh = POSIX::dup($fh)) or POSIX::_exit(124)
205 0 47 0 ref $class || $class
215 0 47 0 delete $options{'reol'} || qr/$eol/
237 0 4 0 delete $options{'on_timeout'} || $kill
247 0 3 0 delete $options{'on_wtimeout'} || $kill
255 0 2 0 delete $options{'on_rtimeout'} || $kill
263 0 1 0 delete $options{'on_etimeout'} || $kill
702 0 0 0 $cv ||= &AE::cv()
712 0 0 0 $channel ||= $class->new
734 0 0 0 $channel ||= $class->new
754 0 0 0 $cv ||= &AE::cv()
764 0 0 0 $channel ||= $class->new
776 0 0 0 $channel ||= $class->new