Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
90 0 0 unless defined $host and length $host > 0
92 0 0 unless defined $team and length $team > 0
94 0 0 unless defined $user and defined $pass and length $user > 0 and length $pass > 0
97 0 0 unless $host =~ m[^https?://]i
98 0 0 unless substr($host, -1, 1) eq '/'
132 0 0 unless exists $self->{'token'}
139 0 0 unless exists $userdata->{'user'} and ref $userdata->{'user'} eq 'HASH' and exists $userdata->{'user'}{'id'}
144 0 0 unless exists $userdata->{'teams'} and ref $userdata->{'teams'} eq 'ARRAY' and grep {$_->{'name'} eq $self->{'team'};} @{$$userdata{'teams'};}
266 0 0 unless $self->started
269 0 0 unless defined $data and ref $data eq 'HASH'
272 0 0 unless exists $data->{'message'} and not ref $data->{'message'} and length $data->{'message'} > 0
274 0 0 unless exists $data->{'channel'} and length $data->{'channel'} > 0
363 0 0 if (defined $self->{'registry'}{$type})
379 0 0 if ($msg->{'event'} eq 'hello') { }
390 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'channels'}{$channel_name})
395 0 0 unless defined $data and ref $data eq 'HASH' and exists $data->{'channels'} and ref $data->{'channels'} eq 'ARRAY'
399 0 0 unless ref $channel eq 'HASH' and exists $channel->{'id'} and exists $channel->{'name'}
407 0 0 unless exists $self->{'channels'}{$channel_name}
442 0 0 if (my $token = $res->header('Token'))
467 0 0 if (exists $self->{'token'})