Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 97 6.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
507 0 0 0 $scheme ne 'https' and exists $kv->{'secure'}
509 0 0 0 exists $kv->{'_expires'} and &AE::now() > $kv->{'_expires'}
812 0 0 0 $uscheme eq 'https' and $rscheme eq 'https'
850 0 0 0 $uscheme eq 'https' and not exists $hdl->{'tls'}
961 0 0 0 $persistent and $_[3]
0 0 0 $persistent and $_[3] and $hdr{'HTTPVersion'} < 1.1 ? $hdr{'connection'} =~ /\bkeep-?alive\b/iu : !($hdr{'connection'} =~ /\bclose\b/iu)
987 0 0 0 $redirect and exists $hdr{'location'}
1019 0 0 0 not $redirect and $arg{'on_header'}
0 0 0 not $redirect and $arg{'on_header'} and not $arg{'on_header'}->(\%hdr)
0 0 0 defined $len and $len == 0
0 0 0 not $redirect and $arg{'want_body_handle'}
0 0 0 not $redirect and $arg{'on_body'}
1123 0 0 0 $was_persistent and $idempotent
1187 0 0 0 $proxy and $uscheme eq 'https'
1221 0 8 0 $persistent and $KA_CACHE{$ka_key}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
586 0 0 delete $kv{'path'} || '/'
629 0 0 $KA_CACHE{$ka_key} ||= []
1039 0 0 !$redirect && $arg{'on_body'} || sub { $body .= shift(); 1; }
1236 0 8 $arg{'on_prepare'} || sub { $timeout; }
1428 0 0 $3 || 3128

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
500 0 0 0 $chost eq $host or ".$chost" eq substr($host, -1 - length($chost))
579 0 0 0 &parse_date($date) || $anow
0 0 0 $snow ||= &parse_date($date) || $anow
749 0 8 0 $arg{'tls_ctx'} eq 'low' or not exists $arg{'tls_ctx'}
770 8 0 0 $arg{'timeout'} || $TIMEOUT
825 0 0 8 length $arg{'body'} or $method ne 'GET'
946 0 0 0 $status == 301 or $status == 302
0 0 0 $status == 301 or $status == 302 or $status == 303
0 0 0 $status == 307 or $status == 308
1019 0 0 0 $hdr{'Status'} =~ /^(?:1..|204|205|304)$/u or $method eq 'HEAD'
0 0 0 $hdr{'Status'} =~ /^(?:1..|204|205|304)$/u or $method eq 'HEAD' or defined $len and $len == 0
1061 0 0 0 $hdr{'content-length'} ||= $cl
1114 0 0 0 $! == 32 || !$!
1234 0 8 0 $arg{'tcp_connect'} || do { require AnyEvent::Socket; \&AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect }