Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 10 10.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
168 0 0 0 $success and $msg

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
164 0 0 $@ || 'Zombie error'
175 0 0 $@ || 'Zombie error'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 0 1 0 $self->{'_client'} ||= &tcp_connect($addr, $port, sub { &AE::log('fatal', "Connect failed: $!") unless my($fh) = @_; my $hdl; $hdl = 'AnyEvent::Handle'->new('fh', $fh, 'on_error', sub { &AE::log('error', $_[2]); $_[0]->destroy; $inner_self->{'_reconnect_timer'} = &AE::timer(10, 0, sub { undef $inner_self->{'_reconnect_timer'}; $inner_self->_connect; } ); } , 'on_eof', sub { $hdl->destroy; &AE::log('info', 'Done.'); } , 'on_read', sub { $hdl->push_read('line', sub { my($hdl, $line) = @_; return if &List::Util::first(sub { substr($line, 0, length $_) eq $_; } , @PROTOCOL_LINE_PREFIXES); $inner_self->handle_message($line, $hdl); } ); } ); $inner_self->{'buffer'} = ''; $inner_self->{'_setup_pipe_timer'} = &AE::timer(0, 0, sub { undef $inner_self->{'_setup_pipe_timer'}; $inner_self->setup_pipe($hdl); } ); } )