Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 46 0.0

line true false branch
189 0 0 unless my($client, $server) = &AnyEvent::Util::portable_socketpair()
206 0 0 $fork ? :
0 0 unless $fork = $fork ? $fork->fork : 'AnyEvent::Fork'->new
225 0 0 if ($len > 0) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $len) { }
0 0 elsif ($! != 11) { }
230 0 0 unless $self
234 0 0 if (defined $res->[0]) { }
241 0 0 if $self
246 0 0 if ($self and not @{$self->{'queue'};})
262 0 0 if ($self->{'timeout'} and $self->{'last_activity'}) { }
263 0 0 if (&AE::now() > $self->{'last_activity'} + $self->{'timeout'}) { }
285 0 0 unless my $len = syswrite($client, $self->{'wbuf'})
293 0 0 unless $self
302 0 0 unless $self
303 0 0 if $self->{'on_connect'}
319 0 0 if (my $pid = delete $self->{'child_pid'})
340 0 0 if ($fatal)
356 0 0 if ($self->{'on_error'}) { }
392 0 0 unless ($self->{'fh'})
402 0 0 if ($self->{'timeout'} and not $self->{'tw'})
409 0 0 unless ($self->{'ww'})
415 0 0 if length $self->{'wbuf'}