Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 77 7.7

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
44 0 36 $AnyEvent::PROTOCOL{'ipv6'} and 10
241 0 0 $forks and last
618 0 0 $! == 4 and return
0 0 sysread($pr, $$ob, 16384, length $$ob) && (return)
625 0 0 $! == 4 and return
0 0 sysread($pr, $buf, 16384) && (return &$ob($buf))

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 0 0 36 $AnyEvent::PROTOCOL{'ipv6'} and 10 and socket my $ipv6_socket, 10, 2, 0
247 0 0 0 $! != &Errno::EAGAIN and $! != &Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
0 0 0 $! != &Errno::EAGAIN and $! != &Errno::EWOULDBLOCK and $! != &Errno::ENOMEM
300 0 0 0 not defined $len and $! == 4
392 0 0 36 not $ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_AVOID_GUARD'} and eval { do { require Guard; $Guard::VERSION >= 0.5 } }
836 3 0 0 $rep =~ s/^\x01// and $_[1]
883 0 0 0 $_[1] and 0 <= index($uts46_imap, pack('C0U*', 0, ord $_, 1))
932 3 0 0 not length $output[0] and @output > 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
457 0 0 eval { do { POSIX::sysconf(&POSIX::_SC_OPEN_MAX()) - 1 } } || 1023

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
241 0 0 0 my($r, $w) = &portable_pipe() or $forks and last
247 0 0 0 $! != &Errno::EAGAIN and $! != &Errno::EWOULDBLOCK and $! != &Errno::ENOMEM or not $forks
256 0 0 0 defined $len or $! != 4
300 0 0 0 $len or not defined $len and $! == 4
445 0 0 0 opendir $dir, '/dev/fd' or opendir $dir, '/proc/self/fd'
448 0 0 0 @fds < 20 or join($", @fds) ne join(' ', 0 .. $#fds)
451 0 0 0 exists $except{$_} or POSIX::close($_)
460 0 0 0 exists $except{$_} or POSIX::close($_)
663 0 0 0 defined $len or $! != 4
712 0 0 0 defined($fh = POSIX::dup($fh)) or POSIX::_exit(124)
730 0 0 0 eval { do { $arg{'on_prepare'}->(); 1 } } or POSIX::_exit(123)
883 25 0 0 vec $uts46_valid, ord $_, 1 or $_[1] and 0 <= index($uts46_imap, pack('C0U*', 0, ord $_, 1))
0 0 0 vec $uts46_valid, ord $_, 1 or $_[1] and 0 <= index($uts46_imap, pack('C0U*', 0, ord $_, 1)) or Carp::croak("$_[0]: disallowed characters during idn_nameprep")