Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 32 53.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
138 0 0 14 $time_hires and eval '&Time::HiRes::clock_gettime (Time::HiRes::CLOCK_MONOTONIC ())'
0 0 0 100 <= $clk_tck and $clk_tck <= 1000000
0 0 0 100 <= $clk_tck and $clk_tck <= 1000000 and eval { do { (POSIX::times())[0] != -1 } }
209 26 43 27 @timer and $timer[0][0] <= $MNOW
210 20 7 1 @timer and $timer[0][0] <= $MNOW
219 26 40 3 @timer && $timer[0][0] < $need_sort
233 12 5 0 $timer[0][0] > $MNOW and not $fds
248 0 52 0 $_ and $_->[2]->()
256 0 0 0 $$$_ and &$$$_()

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
281 5 21 $fds->[1][$fd] ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
233 4 0 17 not @timer or $timer[0][0] > $MNOW and not $fds