Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 40 70.0

line true false branch
138 14 0 if ($time_hires and eval '&Time::HiRes::clock_gettime (Time::HiRes::CLOCK_MONOTONIC ())') { }
0 0 elsif (100 <= $clk_tck and $clk_tck <= 1000000 and eval { do { (POSIX::times())[0] != -1 } }) { }
0 0 elsif (eval 'use Time::HiRes (); 1') { }
156 0 0 if $last > $next
173 14 0 if $round < 0.001
203 16 80 if ($MNOW >= $need_sort)
209 27 69 if (@timer and $timer[0][0] <= $MNOW) { }
212 19 9 if $timer->[1]
219 3 66 @timer && $timer[0][0] < $need_sort ? :
222 52 17 $wait < 3600 ? :
223 0 69 if @idle
233 48 21 if ($fds > 0) { }
4 29 elsif (not @timer or $timer[0][0] > $MNOW and not $fds) { }
248 0 50 unless $fds->[1][pos($_) - 1]
268 6 20 unless defined($fd = fileno $fd)
300 16 5 if (@{$fds->[1][$fd];} == 1) { }
307 3 2 if ($last != $self)
319 1 32 if ($interval) { }
324 0 0 if $_[0][0] < $need_sort
333 25 8 if $self->[0] < $need_sort